AIM: What are the functions of the CIRCULATORY SYSTEM? Do Now: How does glucose (which is absorbed by the small intestine from food eaten) get to your muscles to be used for energy? How does glucose (which is absorbed by the small intestine from food eaten) get to your muscles to be used for energy?
What are the 5 functions of the circulatory system? 1.Transport materials to the cells (nutrients, O 2 ) 2.Carry wastes away from cells (CO 2,, nitrogen, urea) 3.Carry hormones to cells 4.Fight disease (WBC, platelets) 5.Regulate body temperature
What are the parts of blood? 1.RED BLOOD CELLS (RBC’s) - make up 44% of your blood. - contain hemoglobin made with iron which carries oxygen. - produced by the bone marrow 2.WHITE BLOOD CELLS (WBC’S) - make up 0.5% of your blood - fight infection by killing germs and producing antibodies - produced by bone marrow and lymph nodes
3.PLATELETS - make up 0.5% of your blood - clot blood to stop bleeding - form scabs 4. PLASMA - make up 55% of your blood - liquid part of the blood (mostly water) which carries materials to and from body cells
Do Now: Which blood cell is the largest? The smallest? Where is each blood cell made? Which blood cell is the most numerous in blood?
What are the 4 blood types? -A, B, AB, O Why is knowing your blood type important? - If you need to get blood, it must be a compatible type of blood. Crossing blood types could result in blood clots and possibly death.
What are the types of blood vessels? 1.ARTERIES - carry blood AWAY from the heart. - they are thick, muscular blood vessels. - they have a PULSE. - AORTA is the largest artery in the body. 2. VEINS - carry blood to the heart. - they have VALVES to prevent backflow of blood. - not as thick as arteries.
3.CAPILLARIES – connect arteries and veins - smallest blood vessels - only 1 cell thick to allow DIFFUSION of nutrients and gasses from blood to cells
Aim: How does the HEART work?? Do Now: 1)Take out HW 2)Which blood type is called … the universal donor? the universal recipient?
What is the heart? -Muscular organ which pumps blood What are the parts of the heart? 1.ATRIA - small upper chambers (there are 2). - collect blood from the body (right) and lungs (left) 2.VENTRICLES - large, muscular, lower chambers (there are 2) - pump blood to the body and lungs
3.VALVES – flaps of tissue which prevent blood from flowing backwards. - found between atria & ventricles 4. SEPTUM - wall of muscle which separate left and right sides of the heart. - this keeps oxygenated blood separate from deoxygenated blood.
Aim: What are Some Disorders of the Circulatory System? Do Now: Study For Quiz You have 4 minutes NO TALKING !!!!!
What controls heart rate? - the brain (medulla) and special tissue in heart called the PACEMAKER. Avg. pulse is beats per minute
What are some diseases of the circulatory system? 1.STROKE - blockage of blood to the brain 2.HEART ATTACK - blockage of blood to the muscles of the heart 3.HEART MURMUR - leaky heart valve 4.VARICOSE VEINS - leaky leg valves
4.ANEMIA - lack of RBC’s, can’t carry oxygen, due to low iron in diet. 5.LEUKEMIA - cancer resulting in too many WBC’s 6.HEMOPHILIA - slow blood clotting 7.ANEURISM - tear in a blood vessel
Aim: What is the LYMPHATIC SYSTEM?? Do Now: 1.Copy HW 2.What are the body’s three lines of defenses??
LYMPHATIC SYSTEM What is LYMPH? -Lymph is plasma which has diffused out of blood vessels and is recollected by lymph vessels to be returned to the blood What are LYMPH NODES? -Specialized tissues which store and produce WBC’s. -They filter foreign invaders from lymph -They become swollen when you are sick