Compass Rose a design on a map showing direction. It points which way is N, S, E, W, & some intermediate directions on a map a design on a map showing direction. It points which way is N, S, E, W, & some intermediate directions on a map
Latitude Imaginary line that runs east to west (parallel) Imaginary line that runs east to west (parallel)
Longitude Imaginary line that runs north & south (meridian) Imaginary line that runs north & south (meridian)
Relative Location The location of one place in relation to other places The location of one place in relation to other places
Absolute Location The exact spot on Earth where a place is found The exact spot on Earth where a place is found
Hemispheres Half of sphere Half of sphere
Globe a three-dimensional scale model of Earth
Cardinal Directions North North South South East East West West
Intermediate Directions Northwest, Northeast Northwest, Northeast Southwest, Southeast Southwest, Southeast
Map Scale ratio between the distance between two points found on map compared to actual distance between these points in the real world. ratio between the distance between two points found on map compared to actual distance between these points in the real world.
Legend/Key The legend of a map (also called the key) is a small table accompanying the map that explains the symbols that are used on the map The legend of a map (also called the key) is a small table accompanying the map that explains the symbols that are used on the map
Map Symbols Symbols on a map that represent things like cities, capitals, state & national boundaries.
Equator imaginary circle around middle of earth, halfway between N Pole & S Pole imaginary circle around middle of earth, halfway between N Pole & S Pole