M L 7.3 M W 7.6. 11/11/20152 Chi-Chi epicenter Landslides.


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Presentation transcript:

M L 7.3 M W 7.6

11/11/20152 Chi-Chi epicenter Landslides

Jiufengershan landslide

Geological context

11/11/20156 Geological Section 1.5 km × 40~60m Elevation difference: ~ 500m Dip angle: 20°

11/11/2015 Jiufenershan landslide 7 Litho-Stratigraphy ageStratumLithologyT (m) Plio.Kueichulin (KC)Calcareous SS.?? M Mio. H Changhukeng (CHt)Sdy. St. and Sh.180 M Changhukeng (CHm)Muddy SS.90 L Changhukeng (CHb)glauconite Sh.80 M Mio. H Shihmen (SMt)Massive SS.165 M Shihmen (SMm)Thick muddy SS.110 L Shihmen (SMb)Interbedded145 E Mio.Tanliaoti (TL)Thick Sh.??


10 Monocline ?








11/11/ Cut-and-fill volume Cut: 42.1 x 10 6 m 3 Fill: 50.5 x 10 6 m 3



11/11/ Tsaoling landslide

11/11/ Time Triggered by Landslide process Slide volume (km 3 ) Dam height (m) Effects 1862 Earthquake (M L =6-7) Landslide formation of a dam 1898Rainfall (?)Landslide dam broke 1941 Earthquake (M L =7.1) persons killed and formation of a dam 1942Rainfall (776mm) persons killed and increased landslide dam 1951Rainfall (770mm) persons killed and broke landslide dam 1979 Rainfall (327mm) Landslide formation of a dam Rainfall (624mm)0.040Landslide dam broke 1999 Earthquake (M L =7.3) persons killed and formation of a dam Historical events in Tsaoling

Geological map

11/11/ Stratigraphic column and profile


11/11/ Geological profile Sliding area

11/11/ Cut-and-fill volume 1999 vs.2003

11/11/ Cut-and-fill volume 2003 vs.2007

11/11/ Retreat of the scarp main scarp 730m

11/11/ Retreat of the scarp 155m minor scarp

11/11/ Retreat of the scarp 38m lateral scarp

11/11/ Retreat of the scarp m upstream

11/11/ Retreat of the scarp 240m downstream

11/11/ B E D A C



















