Videoconferencing Services Northern Michigan University
Fixed Rooms
Mobile Carts
Desktop Conferencing: Polycom PVX, Skype, DimDim, NetMeeting, WebEx, iChat
Old vs. New $5,000 - $12,000
“Head-End” at NMU IP & ISDN Videoconferencing & Bridging Services Live web streaming and archival services (VoD) Satellite Downlink Service
K-12 Student Exposure! Videoconferencing in the classroom
Videoconference Field Trips/Projects Search by Michigan content area teaching standards
NASA Digital Learning Over 200 k-16 Content Providers nation wide
Telehealth: Combining Information Technology and Medical Expertise
Department of Defense use of Video Teleconferencing
Correctional facilities safely train, interview and examine prisoners.
ITV Tips Engage the far site & build a rapport. Prepare graphics with proper fonts, size and background. Maintain eye contact (camera) Always be aware of what the participants at both sites are viewing. Allow for longer response times. Minimize extraneous noise on all ends. Prepare and forward materials.
Rent or Buy? Nonprofit & Commercial Rates Facility Fee, Labor, Equipment Fee Bridging Fees, per port, per hour ISDN Line Fee Distant Site Fees
Cost Examples Commercial 2 hour, Point-to-Point over IP = $360 4 hour, Five Sites over IP = $2,400 Nonprofit 2 hour, Point-to-Point over IP = $200 4 hour, Five Sites over IP = $1,700
Telepresence Demo
Remote Presence Robots Demo 2
Max Graves Audio Visual Services Northern Michigan University