COMISION NACIONAL DEL MERCADO DE VALORES Extension in the use of XBRL to several areas of supervision in the Securities Commission of Spain Jose M. Alonso
CNMV interested in standards based reporting The CNMV receives data from different supervised entities but a good part of this information is forwarded to other national or supranational government agencies or made available to investors, analysts or financial information aggregators in order to increase the markets transparency. Multiple formats make data difficult to re-use by different entities. Data standards workable for both, reporting entities and regulators’ information recipients facilitates the use of the information. XBRL is a tool that helps regulators to standardise information definitions. The CNMV started to use XBRL in 2005.
Investors Data Vendors Other Government Entities CII Management Firms Official Registers & internal Application s Website Publications CD-ROM & DVD FTP Issuers Markets Investment firms Settlement Entities & CSD Collective Investment Schemes Financial Reporting Supply Chain at the CNMV
Issuers supervision Listed Companies Official Registers & internal Applications ISSUER DATA Audit reports Significant corporate events Major holdings notifications Public Periodic Information (IPP) (Quarterly & semi-annual reports) Treasury stock information Annual Corporate Governance Report ISSUE DATA Issuing prospectuses Listing prospectuses OPV & OPA prospectuses Placement information Securitization information
The IPP Taxonomy facilitates the listed companies’ regulatory reporting of Public Periodic Information to the CNMV. Three models of reports (Credit Institutions, Insurance companies, General) can be prepared with the IPP taxonomy. IPP Taxonomy
24,074 instances received at the CNMV and published on its website Corresponding to: 269 issuers of instruments listed on Spanish markets 2,997 Collective investment vehicles Submitted by 441 entities and... an average of more than 70,000 XBRL reports downloaded every month from the CNMV website (*) As of 31/3/09 Current status of IPP filing(*)
Investment firms supervision Firms providing investment services Application for authorization & register By-laws Services and/or Activities Shareholders & qualifying holdings Management information Branches data Financial statements (Monthly, Quarterly & annual report) Information on solvency Transactions reporting Official Registers & internal Applications
ES-BE-COREP Taxonomy Since the requirements of the CNMV regarding the reporting of solvency ratio for investment firms are the same to those of the Bank of Spain for credit entities, the CNMV decided to accept filing on risk and solvency with the taxonomy already used by the Bank of Spain. ES_BE COREP is a Taxonomy developed by the Bank of Spain based on the COREP taxonomy (version / ). The use of the same taxonomy will facilitate the reporting of firms that have to file with the two regulators. A total of 158 investment firms will be reporting to the CNMV with ES-BE-COREP starting on July 1st, 2009.
Collective investment vehicles supervision Collective Investment Schemes Application for authorization & register By-laws Fund prospectuses Qualifying holdings Corporate events Monthly Financial statements Quarterly reports to mutual fund shareholders Official Registers & internal Applications
Taxonomy developed by the CNMV for preparing the quarterly, semi-annual and annual reports described in the annexes of the 4/2008 CNMV’s official letter published in October These reports are a copy of the ones the Fund Management Companies have to make available to unit holders. The entities obliged are: - Unit Trusts - Exchange Traded Funds - SICAVs - Real Estate Funds and Investment Companies - Hedge Funds IIC Taxonomy
165 fund managers will be sending the quarterly reports of more than 6,000 Collective Investment Vehicles to the CNMV. More than 24,000 XBRL files per year.
The XBRL report viewer is a web tool available for free at the CNMV’s website that allows financial analysts and investors to view and download the periodic financial information reported to the CNMV by listed companies. XBRL report viewer and retrieval tool
Different methods of browsing and retrieving reports. Numerical and graphical data presentation. Several types of charts available. Display of one or several reports simultaneously. Comparison of reports from the same company or from different companies. Downloading of one or more reports at once. XBRL report viewer and retrieval tool (II) Basic features
XBRL report viewer Report comparison
Access to the XBRL section
Thank you Jose M. Alonso