鲁教版八年级英语下册 Unit 4 Where would you like to visit? 阅读课说课设计 岭子中学.


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Presentation transcript:

鲁教版八年级英语下册 Unit 4 Where would you like to visit? 阅读课说课设计 岭子中学

一 The function of reading lessons Let the students know the importances and they should improve the reading abilities after English lessons. 《英语课程标准》的总体目标是学生综合语言运用能 力的形成,这一能力的形成是建立在学生的语言技能、 语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识等素养整 合发展的基础之上的。本节课的设计,教师在教学过 程中倡导体验、实践、参与、交流与合作的学习方式, 强调学生能用所学的英语想问题做事情,在做事情的 过程中发展语言能力、思维能力以及交流与合作的能 力,使学生在发展语言能力,学习语言知识的同时, 在思维和想象能力、分析问题和解决问题、协作和创 新精神等综合素质方面也有所发展。

二 本课教学目标设 计 The design of the teaching aims 知识目标 1. Read a passage and finish some comprehension questions and exercises. 2. Get to learn some useful phrases or words

能力目标 1.To foster students’ ability of reading comprehension---fast reading and getting main ideas. 2. Write a short passage by following the structure of the passage.

思 想情 感价值观 emotional value Each coin has two sides. Try to make objective comments on any new item and use them in a correct way.

教 学 重 点 important points 一. Read a passage to finish some comprehension questions and exercises and clarify the grammar focus: Where would you like to visit? I’d like to go somewhere relaxing. I’d love to visit Mexico. I love places where the people are friendly 二. Get to know some useful phrase or words in the text. 1 would like to visit 2dream of, 3 be willing to do, 4 on the one hand, 5 on the other hand 3. Master the structure of the text.

教 学 难 点 teaching difficulties 1. Get the main idea of each paragraph. 2. Organize words and talk about advantages and disadvantages of one item reasonably.

教学过程 The teaching process about p29-p30 Step 1. Warm-up Lead-in with the dialogues in pairs.Then check some pairs to act out in front of the blackboard like this:

My dream is to walk on the moon. What’s your dream?

Step 2 Section 2 While you read The teacher gives some strategies to the students about how to read the article. 1 Asking students to read the passage quickly by themselves. 2 Skimming for the main ideas of some paragraphs. 3 Read again after the tape.

After you read Read the article for three times, and then make up some more questions. Then answer these questions in groups,and praise the winners. 1.Why do some students want to start work as soon as possible? 2.What is important to students about the work they do? 3.What example is given of an impossible dream? 4._____________________________________? 5._____________________________________? 6._____________________________________? 7._____________________________________?

discussion Discuss the following questions in small groups with reference to the reading. 1.Is there anyone in the world who does not hope or dream? 2.Might the dreams of Chinese teenagers be different from others? 3.Can dream come true?

Write down a dream you have. Share your thoughts with a friend who might help you see how you could achieve this dream. Together list the small steps you could take to do so. I can achieve that: 1.by working hard at school to learn as much as I can. 2.by finding out how successful people did it. 3.___________________________. 4.___________________________. 5.___________________________. I’d love to have my own company one day.

Choose the right word to fill in each blank. 1._______ is a kind of water sport. 2.The scientists from China _______ the Antarctic regions. 3.Maria is an ________ name. Where does she come from? 4.This is a ______ land, you can’t walk across it. 5.Thousands of old trees were lots in the _______fire. 6.I must ________ them an apology for not going to attend their get-gathering. 7.A plan began _______ in his mind. 8.The school ________ tents, but we must bring our own food. explore from provide offer surf private forest exotic