Class 2018 Counselors Last Names Beginning: A-G Lee Cleveland H-P Julie Thomasson Q-Z Angie Dunnam
Class of 2018 Academic Guide The Academic Guide can be found online following the instructions below Go to Click on Instructional Support Click on Secondary Education Click on Documents Click on Academic Guides (all current) Click on AG 2014—Class of 2018
Diploma Options Alabama High School Diploma Alabama High School Diploma with Baldwin County College Preparatory with Distinction Endorsement
Alabama High School Diploma 24 credits required for graduation At least 4 credits in each core area (any academic level) 0.5 credit-Health 1 credit- LIFE PE (Marching Band/ROTC) 1 credit – Career Preparedness 3 credits – CTE/FA/FL Additional electives
College Prep w/Distinction 28 Credits 4 English, Social Studies, and Science credits (most advanced level offered) 5 Math credits 2 credits of one foreign language 0.5 credit-Health 1 credit-PE LIFE (Marching Band/ROTC) 1 credit- Career Preparedness 3 credits- CTE/FA/FL Additional electives
AP & Career Academies AP Academy Fashion Academy Food & Nutrition Academy IT Academy North Baldwin Tech Academies (available after the 9 th grade year) Agricultural, Automotive, Welding, Health Science, Human Service (Cosmetology), Building Science, Industrial Maint. & Aviation
Schedule Mr. Marty McRae, Principal of SFHS to discuss Monday-students will take all 8 classes in period style-time frame (45 min. classes) Tuesday/Thursday-Periods 1,3,5 & 7 will meet for approximately 80 min. Wednesday/Friday-Periods 2,4,6 & 8 will meet for approximately 80 min. Toro Time will take place Tues-Fri for student tutoring/remediation/iRead/club activities
Daily Schedule Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri
Scheduling Modified block August to May Meets Monday+Tu/Th or W/Fri Core classes & most electives Traditional block classes August to December/January to May Every Day Band, athletics, choir, PE, ROTC
Choices, choices, choices! How do I decide? Previous grades…best predictor of future behavior is past behavior Standardized test results (EXPLORE, ARMT, etc.) Middle School Teacher/Counselor input Study habits/organization/maturity/initiative Parental instinct Extracurricular involvement
Common Concerns/Questions FL and college admission Weighted/Unweighted Courses GPA Rank No Val/Sal (Summa, Magna, Cum Laude) Athletics/Clubs/Extracurricular
Common Concerns/?s (cont) Appropriate academic placement Schedule adjustments Factors for college planning PE Life substitutions Class 2018 Academic Guide Driver’s Ed-not available to freshmen Honors vs Standard Core classes FL in 9 th grade
Common Concerns/?s (cont) Athletic scheduling-how does it affect the overall schedule Athletic PE assigned by coaches Algebra IA and Algebra I-what is the difference Other
Course Selection Sheets All current 8 th graders will receive a blue colored Course Selection sheet SFHS counselors will meet with students Wednesday (April 2 nd ) & Thursday (April 3 rd ) at SFMS to go over course selections Students will take course selection sheet home to be completed/signed by parent. Must be returned to SFMS by April 11, 2014.
Freshmen Take Charge This is the beginning of the end of your high school years! The freshman year is the most important year—it sets your stage! Get off to a good start! GPA begins here!