Arizona Team Tempe Union High School District #213
2 Introductions Individual pictures or a team picture There will be a portrait gallery in the World Cafe Dr. Cecilia Johnson Tempe Union High School District Director of curriculum, instruction and assessment Laura Zinke McClintock High School P.P.A. Director Debbie Dodge McClintock High School Science Teacher Carlos Contreras Intel Corporation Education Manager – Arizona, Texas and Colorado
3 Tempe Union High School District #213 High school district covers grade 9-12 Student enrollment of 13,406 students Total number of teachers: 663 Seven schools District has made adequate yearly progress for NCLB (No Child Left Behind) State assessment –1 performing –1 performing + –2 Highly performing –3 excelling
4 Educational Environment High schools are encouraged to leverage their strengths –Each high school has unique capability –District office flexible High School science graduation requirements is same as state –Two years: 1 credit life and 1 credit physical science –Starting with class of 2012 graduation requirements will increase to 3 years –Science high stakes assessment begins in spring 08 High School math graduation requirements same as state –Two years math + High stakes exam –Starting with class of 2012 graduation requirements will increase to 4years University entrance requirements –4 years of math and 4 years of science
5 Science Fairs What is the status of Science Fairs in your area? Tempe union started independent research classes in school year –Two teachers participated in Educator Academy 08 About twenty students from research class participated at the AZSEF (Arizona Science and Engineering Fair) –Three of the students won AZSEF grand prize award and will be attending ISEF 09 One of the Ed Academy attendees won teacher of they year at the state Fair (AZSEF) –Award given is a reflection of both quality and number of students participated in fair Two of the high schools had 2009 STS finalist
6 Science Fairs What are the three biggest obstacles you face? –Instructional Time –There is no dedicated “school time” for science fair projects unless teacher works independently with students –A majority of the projects that have entered regional fair are associated with internship/summer job experience at a local lab facility or institution –The students are very involved in other extra curricular activities. Lots of competition for their time –Sustainability/Resources – Independent study class needs to have low teacher/student ratio. Given current fiscal environment, this is a challenge
7 Background Arizona held its second state wide science fair The state is transitioning to a state affiliated fair that is supported by regional affiliated fair High schools that have adopted research classes have been successful in science competition Arizona students at ISEF have done very well