Chapter 6.5 Distributed File Systems Summary Junfei Wen Fall 2013.


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 6.5 Distributed File Systems Summary Junfei Wen Fall 2013

Outline 6.1 Characteristics of DFS 6.2 DFS Design and Implementation 6.3 Transaction and Concurrency Control 6.4 Data and File Replication Current Work Future Work

6.1Characteristics of DFS Dispersion Dispersed Files Location Transparent Location Independent Dispersed Clients login transparency access transparency Multiplicity Multiple Files Replication Transparency Multiple Clients Concurrency Transparency Others (general) Fault Tolerance – crash of server or client, loss of message Scalability – Incremental file system growth Efficient

6.2DFS Design and Implementation Hierarchy files structure File mounting protocol – Explicit mounting, manual – Boot mounting, boot up time mounting – Auto mounting, mounting at use Distribute state information between server and clients. Stateless or stateful server

File access – Space multiplexing, multiple copy of file Remote access Cache access Download/upload access – Time multiplexing, concurrent control. Same file different time Simple RW Transaction session File sharing semantics Unix, update propagated immediately Session, delayed update Transaction, delayed update


6.3Transaction and Concurrency Control Distribdute Transaction Processing System: – Transaction Manager: correct execution of local and remote transactions. – Scheduler: schedules operations to avoid conflicts using locks, timestamps and validation managers. – Object Manager: coherency of replicas/caches; interface to the file system.

Serializability: A schedule is Serializable if the result of execution is equivalent to that of a serial schedule. Concurrency Control Protocol required to maintain ACID Semantics for Concurrent transactions. – Two phase locking – Timestamp ordering – Optimistic

6.4Data and File Replication Architecture Client chooses one / more FSA to access data object. FSA acts as front end to replica managers RMs to provide replication transparency. FSA contacts one or more RMs for actual updating and reading of data objects.

One-copy Serializability: – The execution of transaction on replicated objects is equivalent to the execution of the same transactions on non-replicated objects – Read Operations : Read-one-primary, Read-one,Read-quorum – Write Operations:Write-one-primary,Write- all,Write-all-available,Write-quorum,Write-gossip

Quorum Voting : Uses Read Quorum, Write Quorum – Write-write conflict: 2 * Write quorum > all object copies – Read-write conflict: Write quorum + read quorum > all object copies. Gossip Update Propagation: – Read: if TSfsa<=TSrm, RM has recent data, return it, otherwise wait for gossip, or try other RM – Update :if Tsfsa>TSrm, update. Update TSrm send gossip. Otherwise, process based on application, perform update or reject – Gossip : update RM if gossip carries new updates.

Current work A Distributed Cache for Hadoop Distributed File System in Real-Time Cloud Service A Distributed Cache for Hadoop Distributed File System in Real-Time Cloud Service Intensive Workload Consolidation for the Hadoop Distributed File Systems Intensive Workload Consolidation for the Hadoop Distributed File Systems An integrated high-performance distributed file system implementation on existing local network An integrated high-performance distributed file system implementation on existing local network A Cost-Effective File Lookup Service in a Distributed Metadata File System A Cost-Effective File Lookup Service in a Distributed Metadata File System The Mobile Agent-based Distributed Network File system

Future work Innovations in the area of security for Distributed/Cloud Computing Improve efficiency of Parallel/Distributed system Concurrency control protocol Improve Efficiency and Effectiveness of file replication scheme Integrate File Replication and Consistency Maintenance

Reference [1]Distributed Operating Systems and Algorithm Analysis, Andy Chow & Theodore Johnson,1997 [2] “Optimizing File Replication over Limited-Bandwidth Networks using Remote Differential Compression” IEEE Infocom Conference, [3] Transaction Management and Concurrency control by Connolly & Begg. Chapter 19. Third edition [4] "Distributed File System Replication: Frequently Asked Questions"; rver/en/library/f9b98a0f-c1ae-4a9f c679596e6b1033.mspx?mfr=true [5] [6] the-future-of-file-systems -Future of File Systemshttp:// the-future-of-file-systems

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