How to Write a Thank You Note A Second Grade Technology Integrated Lesson Created By: Megan Hill
State Objectives (14) Writing/purposes. The student writes for a variety of audiences and purposes, and in various forms. The student is expected to: (c) write to communicate with a variety of audiences (1-3) (d) write in different forms for different purposes such as lists to record, letters to invite or thank, and stories or poems to entertain (1-3). (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills, 2006)Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills, 2006
State Objectives (cont.) (18) Writing/writing processes. The student selects and uses writing processes for self-initiated and assigned writing. The student is expected to: (E) use available technology for aspects of writing, including word processing, spell checking, and printing (2-3) (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills, 2006) Clip art licensed from the Clip Art Gallery on
Length of Lesson This lesson would take place over a 2 day period of time during the second six weeks of school. Each day between 30 and 45 minutes would be dedicated to the lesson.
Prior to Lesson Prior to this lesson the students would listen to a guest reader in the class. The reader can be anyone who is interested in reading a story to the class. The story, if possible, should relate to something in the curriculum.
Focus In order to fully engage the students in learning about writing a thank you note, the teacher will present a lesson using PowerPoint explaining the parts of and uses for a thank you note.
Guided Practice After viewing the PowerPoint Presentation the students will work in Kidspiration. Each student will sit at an individual laptop computer and open the lesson in Kidspiration through the school’s webpage.
Guided Practice (cont.) In Kidspiration the students will put the parts of a letter in the correct place on a page and then color code the part of the letter with it’s name.
Example of Completed Guided Practice September 18, 2006 Dear Mom, Thank you for the new shirt. I really like it. I will wear it often. Love, Sam Closing Greeting Body DateSignature
Independent Practice For independent practice the students will open Microsoft Word on the laptop and write their own thank you letter to a guest reader that came to class earlier in the week. They will practice using spell check with their letter.
Rubric for Student Letter Name:__________ Received Possible Correct letter format35 Punctuation10 Content45 Use of spell check10 Total100
Extra The teacher can then print or the letters to the guest reader so that a response can be written to the class. Second graders are not permitted to use on the campus.
Reference Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills, Grade 2, Reading/Language Arts. Retrieved on 9/30/2006 at: /chapter110/ch110a.html /chapter110/ch110a.html