The 5 Different Types of Writing Applications for 5 th graders
Expressive Includes: PPPPersonal narratives SSSStories PPPPoetry SSSSongs DDDDramatic Pieces
Example of an Expressive Prompt Think of a change to a place that you know well, and write a story about the events that occurred. Readers should know the details of the change, and they should know how you feel about the changes that occurred.
Expository Includes: Nonfiction writing that describes or explains/ informs This writing supports a thesis based on research, observation, and/or experience
Example of an Expository Prompt You have been hired to be a news reporter for the Arizona Republic. Your job is to write a newspaper article that informs reader’s of the winner of the 2008 presidential election.
Functional This writing provides specific directions or information related to real-world texts. Includes: TTTThank-you notes FFFFriendly and formal letters MMMMessages IIIInvitations DDDDirections RRRRecipes GGGGraphs/tables
Example of a Functional Prompt Write a “How-to” about a skill, project, game, or etc. that you know how to do well. Pretend the person reading your “How-to” has no previous knowledge of how to do the activity you are describing.
Persuasive This writing is used for the purpose of influencing the reader. The author presents an issue and expresses an opinion in order to convince an audience to agree with the opinion
Example of a Persuasive Prompt Your school recently reduced the lunch period from 30 minutes to 15 minutes. You decide to write a letter to the school principal, Mrs. Howell, persuading her to go back to the 30 minute lunch schedule. Write a letter to Mrs. Howell convincing her to go back to a 30-minute lunch period.
Literary Response TTTThis is the writer’s reaction to a text. Includes: JJJJournal entries BBBBook reports
Example of a Literary Response Prompt After reading the Black Pearl, write a book report. The report should include the setting, plot elements, and your personal response to the book.
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