EMISSIONS and PROJECTIONS Sonja Vidič EMEP Joint TFEIP/EIONET meeting, May, Larnaca, Cyprus
CLRTAPEMEP S-PNOx P VOC-P 2nd S- P HM PPOP MPME GP SRSRSRSRSRSRSRSRSR Austriaxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Belgiumxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Bulgariaxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Cyprus xx x xxxxx x Czech Republic xx xx xxxxxxxxx Denmarkxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Estonia xx xx x xx Finlandxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Francexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Germanyxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Greecexxx xxx xxx xx Hungaryxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Irelandxxxx xx xxx xx Italyxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxx Latvia xx xxxxxx Liechtensteinxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Lithuania xx xx xxxxx x Luxembourgxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Malta xx Netherlandsxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Polandxxx x xx xx Portugalxxx x x xxx Romaniaxxx xxxxxx Slovakia xx xx xxxxxxxxx Slovenia xx x xxxxxxxx Spainxxx xxxxxxx xxx Swedenxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx United Kingdomxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx Norwayxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Switzerlandxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Croatia xx x xxxxxxxxx The FYR of Macedonia** x Serbia xx Montenegro xx Bosnia and Herzegovina xx Turkeyxxxx Albania x Monaco xx xx x San Marinox Icelandxx x xx Holy Seex Canadaxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx United Statesxxxx xxx xxxxx Russian Federationxxxxxxxx x Armenia x x xx Azerbaijan x Republic of Moldova x xxxxx Belarusxxxxxxxx Ukrainexxxxxxxxx xx x Georgia x Kazakhstan x Kyrgyzstan x European Communityxxxx xx xxxxx x