Think About What policies might help address the population issues in your region?
Population Policies How nations have attempted to increase, decrease and perfect populations
Expansionist Policies Pronatalist Incentives: – Subsidies, childcare, preferential treatment Penalties: – Punishment for using/teaching about contraception Propaganda
Post- WWII Propaganda Incentives
Total Fertility Rate (TFR)
Romania Nikolai Ceausescu
Romania Concerned with falling birthrate Economy Racist Concerned with falling birthrate Economy Racist
Romania, Methods – Abortion illegal – Contraception banned – Divorce very difficult – Monthly gynecological checkups for all women – Some financial incentives for multiple children – Punitive taxes for over 25 with no children
Romania: Results Short-term rise in birth rate Big increase in maternal mortality Huge number of orphans
Critical Thinking What makes for good pronatalist policy?
Restrictive Policies Antinatalist Concerned with overpopulation Incentives – Better resources, preferential treatment – Access to family planning services Penalties – Loss of opportunities, status – Criminal prosecution
China Under Mao, population growth encouraged Communist government introduces “One Child” policy
One Child Policy, 1979-Now Families are “encouraged” to only have one child Incentives for one-child families Punitive measures
One Child Policy, 1979-Now “Where there are evil people who actually sabotage or undermine the policy of family planning, we must mobilize the masses to expose them in a timely way and subject them to severe treatment by the judiciary and related departments” – Government of China directive
One Child Policy, 1979-Now Burden falls mostly on women China in danger of having a shortage of women
Critical Thinking What makes for good antinatalist policy?
Eugenics “Perfecting” the population Breeding Denying some ability to reproduce
The “Whitening” – Pro-European Immigration – Encouraged miscegenation – “Brazilian Man” The “Whitening” – Pro-European Immigration – Encouraged miscegenation – “Brazilian Man”
Brazil: Results “Race” is much harder to define Darker-skinned people discriminated against Recent resurgence of “Afro-Brazilian” identity
Sweden Forced sterilization – Mentally ill – Roma (Gypsies) – “loose” women – orphans Over 62,000 sterilized