Prof. Giuseppe Burgio, EuroSapienza, Rome
My presentation: 1.From the end of the 2nd World War to the European UnionFrom the end of the 2nd World War to the European Union 2.The European InstitutionsThe European Institutions 3.The Euro and the Stability PactThe Euro and the Stability Pact 4.The enlargement processThe enlargement process 5.The next enlargement: the Western Balkan countriesThe next enlargement: the Western Balkan countries 6.The EU Neighbourhood and external policiesThe EU Neighbourhood and external policies 7.The EU ConstitutionThe EU Constitution
Prof. Giuseppe Burgio, EuroSapienza, Rome Main steps towards the European Integration From the European Communities to the European Union: The current state of integration is the result of a gradual Community-building process that began in the 1950s by initiative of six countries
Prof. Giuseppe Burgio, EuroSapienza, Rome 1951 Belgium Germany France Italy The Netherlands Luxembourg
Prof. Giuseppe Burgio, EuroSapienza, Rome Denmark + Ireland + Great Britain
Prof. Giuseppe Burgio, EuroSapienza, Rome Greece
Prof. Giuseppe Burgio, EuroSapienza, Rome Spain + Portugal
Prof. Giuseppe Burgio, EuroSapienza, Rome November 9, 1989: fall of the Berlin wall Europe overthrows ideological barriers
Prof. Giuseppe Burgio, EuroSapienza, Rome Austria + Finland + Sweden
Prof. Giuseppe Burgio, EuroSapienza, Rome These are the EURO banknotes in use as from the 1st of January 2002
Prof. Giuseppe Burgio, EuroSapienza, Rome The current status of the enlargement of the EU On the 16 April 2003, ten out of 12 countries which completed accession negotiations with the EU signed the accession treaty and on the 1st of May 2004, after the referendums, they became full EU members. They are: –Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, and Slovenia The EU is presently made of 25 countries and has a total population of 450 million citizens Bulgaria and Romania are continuing their negotiations and are expected to join the EU in For the time being, no date has been set forward for the opening of accession negotiations with Turkey. A decision by the Council of the EU is expected by the end of On 21 February 2003 Croatia presented an application to open accession negotiations with the EU. On June 18, 2004, the European Council awarded Croatia the status of candidate country and the screening process is expected to begin soon.
Prof. Giuseppe Burgio, EuroSapienza, Rome The European Action Plan for further enlargement The EU Action Plan proposes a series of measures which should help prepare for enlargement of the Union. In particular, it should encourage regions on opposite sides of the border to grow closer together as part of the accession process. The range of measures proposed by the Commission fall into three main categories: –Measures aimed at providing specific additional funding to assist the transport infrastructure and to promote small and medium-sized firms and youth exchanges (YOUTH Programme) –Measures aimed at allowing resources available under existing INTERREG III for structural assistance. –Measures aimed at coordinating different European policies more efficiently in order to take account of the particular needs of border regions. In addition, the European Investment Bank will provide extra lending facilities aimed at promoting environment and transport investments in border regions in the applicant countries.
Prof. Giuseppe Burgio, EuroSapienza, Rome The EU Constitution After one year of preparation, a draft Constitution was presented and an Intergovernmental Conference (IGC) to prepare the Constitutional Treaty was opened. On the 18 of June 2004, in Brussels, the Heads of State or Government gave their agreement to the texts set out in a document which is to become, after the ratification, the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe.