Today we will be learning: Subject pronouns in English
How many parts of speech are there?
Lexical or functional Lexical – the word can be changed by adding a suffix or a prefix Functional – always the same
Lexical or functional? Adjective Noun Preposition Interjection Conjunction Verb Article
Word order What is word order? The order in which the sentence is written
What 3 components do all world languages have? SS VV OO
Subject pronouns! ame/viewgame.asp?id= ame/viewgame.asp?id=6800
Activity!- Build sentences Michaelkickfootball Jim and Fredsingsong My friendlikeread You and IlistenMusik The childrenplayflute The buildingbetall
Now replace the nouns with the correct pronoun Example: Michael kicks the football. = He kicks the football.
Pronoun find Open Pic Collage or Pages. Create a table with 2 columns and 10 rows. Now find pictures on the internet and in one column write a sentence with the noun and in the other column the sentence with the pronoun.
NounPronoun Jacks plays with the ball. He plays with the ball.