UNCAC in the Context of UNDP Mandate United Nations Development Programme
Spirit of Convention Recognizes that Corruption jeopardizes sustainable dev. Principles of proper management of public property, fairness, responsibility and equality before the law These basic tenets of democratic Governance permeate through Convention Calls for Multi Disciplinary approach GA recalled the Joburg Declaration on sustainable Dev. esp. para 19-corruption a threat to sustainable development of people.
Structure of UNCAC Preventive Measures International Cooperation Asset Recovery Technical Assistance Information Exchange Implementation Criminalization Law Enforcement 3. Integrity, Accountability and Proper Management of Public Affairs and Property 1. Prevent and Combat Corruption More Efficiently and Effectively 2. International Cooperation & Technical Assistance including Asset Recovery
UNDP Focus Areas Democratic Governance Poverty reduction Crisis prevention & recovery Environment & sustainable development Source: UNDP Strategic Plan : Focus Areas
Historical Development UNDP a UN Developmental Agency. The first generation of UNDP AC Support focused on the Accountability, Transparency and Integrity (ATI) programmes 1999, UNDP flagship manual Fighting Corruption to Improve Governance, a pioneer product in anti-corruption and development
How Process Left UNDP 8 th Crime Congress GA Res.51/191 UN Declaration TOCC Negotiation GA Res.58/4 Adoption of CAC Merida Conference GA Res.55/61 Establishment of Ad Hoc Committee GA Res.55/181 Asset Recovery Ad Hoc Committee (1 st –7 th Sessions) 1996 OAS Convention 1997 EU Convention 1997 OECD Convention 1999 CoE Conventions 2003 AU Convention
AC Mandates Prevention Punishment Public Education
Hong Kong Model Prevention Enforcement Public Education
. Prevention VS Enforcement
Challenges of incorporation Fostering inclusive participation Strengthening responsive and accountable governing institutions Promoting democratic governance grounded in international principles Enabling mechanisms Regional bureau/SURF governance advisers Country offices focal points for governance Members of the DG knowledge network
Challenges Corruption should relate to broader governance reforms Dev,& Law enforcement have their silos &need to balance the two Prevention alone or Enforcement alone will not work but we operate with mandates Donor consideration-home politics and competing interests Changing priorities
UNDP Corporate approach Preventive side: design and implementation of AC policies, capacity development & design of AC mechanisms (declaration of assets, Codes, complaint mechanisms, procurement, media, CSO and Pvt Sector. Incorporate some enforcement elements: gap analysis, MLA, AR support to access to Justice Linkages to HR, Gender, Elections, PAR, Conflict management & Coordinating with other UN agencies and donors Incorporating Principles of Governess: participation, transparency, effectiveness & efficiency, Accountability, integrity, inclusiveness, and rule of law Delivery of knowledge products and services Poverty reduction Realization of MDGs Promoting sustainable Development
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