BE HOSPITABLE, BE SAFE PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL SECURITY Ofc. B.P.Corrado Colorado Springs Police Department School Resource Officer Palmer High School
SOURCE MATERIAL 1)The Law Enforcement Officer’s Complete Crime Prevention Manual published by the American Crime Prevention Institute, Jan Chapter 52: Lodging Safety and Security Chapter 64: Crime Prevention for Restaurants 2)CPTED – Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design 3)Five years of patrol, midnight shift
YOUR PERSONAL SECURITY Situational Awareness Have a plan Be aware of your surroundings Have a “go to” place Observe those around you Body language Speech
HOTEL AND RESTAURANT SECURITY Approximately 10,000 negligent hotel security claims annually Include burglary, larceny, prostitution, theft, violent crimes Hotel/corporate reputation Affects the bottom line Personal/professional reputation Career
ACCESS Controlled access Limited points of entry Door security Locked Cameras Cover the angles Keys vs cards Cost vs ease of use/cancellation Security personnel Employee vs contract Alarms
ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN Visibility Outdoor lighting Entrances Parking lots Landscaping Shrubs 2’ within 4’ of entrances Planters 4’ within 8’ of entrances Trees Lower branches 6’ See-through barriers
ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN (CONT’D) Lobby Interior lighting Uncluttered Protection Office Locked Access to safe or vault Communication Working phones
CHECK-IN Your Personal Security Evaluate the customer Ask for identification Monitor Their Belongings Security vs Privacy Transaction Cash vs Charge Can you spot a forgery?
SUSPICION VS CONFRONTATION Who is suspicious? Clothing Demeanor Belongings Habits Language Body language Your sixth sense
SUSPICION VS CONFRONTATION (CONT’D) When do you confront? Property vs Injury Personal security Guest security Protocols Internal vs External Damage Theft Burglary Robbery Threats to Life
WHAT DO YOU DO? Overwhelm them with kindness Assert authority Offer to help Call for assistance Demonstrate a willingness to take action Protect yourself and your guests Be an excellent witness