Sacrificial Bonds and Hidden Length: 20.309 Sacrificial Bonds and Hidden Length: Unravelling Molecular Mesostructures in Tough Materials Presented by: Wui Siew Tan Nov 20th 2008
What’s cool about Sacrificial Bonds and Hidden Length? Striated Muscles Can stretch to twice resting length without damage to its structure Titin! Striated muscle elasticity, required for reversible extension and contraction. Allows myofibrils to be stretched to twice their resting length without damaging their structure. Arises from muscular filaments, composed of the protein titin. Lengthening of titin molecules generate the passive force crucial for maintaining the integrity of the sarcomere.
Importance of Sacrificial Bonds and Hidden Length Biological Elasticity: reversible extension contraction cycles Allows many fold increase in length Recovery Energy dissipation & Toughness Synthetic (biomimetics) Materials with greater deformability, self healing/shape recovery, fracture toughness are desired. Aim of study: To seek a fundamental understanding of the molecular mechanisms responsible for the fracture behavior of biomaterials. G. De Stasio et al., Am. J. Sci. 305, 673 (2005).
Background: Tools and Formulas Atomic Force Microscope Image and manipulate at molecular resolution Physiological conditions Enables study of molecular fracture dynamics of living tissue Worm-Like Chains (WLC) Stretching force, F(x): Where: Lp is the persistence length of the molecule, Lc the contour length of the molecule, kB the Boltzmann constant, T the absolute temperature, x the pulling distance. Fig. 1. A single polymer chain force–extension curve. Ken Nakajima, Hiroyuki Watabe, Toshio Nishi, Single polymer chain rubber elasticity investigated by atomic force microscopy, Polymer, Volume 47, Issue 7, Single Chain Polymers, 22 March 2006, Pages 2505-2510, ISSN 0032-3861, DOI: 10.1016/j.polymer.2005.12.092. (
Force Extension Curves: with Sacrificial Bonds & Hidden Length Changed when sacrificial bonds break 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. Work done Toughness 3. Stiffness Used worm like chain model to generate expected force curves
Possible Sacrificial Bond and Hidden length Configurations Predicted force curves for different molecular configurations 1. Force (pN) Bond Breaking Force (nN) A 200 B 300 C 800
Possible Sacrificial Bond and Hidden length Configurations Force (pN) 2. 3. Force (pN) 4.
Combinations of molecules
Pulling Curves of Gluten Network
Results Sacrificial bond and hidden length mechanism increases stiffness and toughness of materials Complex force curves are hard to explain Knowledge of molecular components e.g. Lp, Lc etc. helps Identification of common patterns is useful stepwise decreasing force points to multiple parallel molecules slope of the pulling curve before and after rupture gives an indication of whether single or multiple molecules are involved Sacrificial bond and hidden length mechanism increases stiffness and toughness of materials
Future work Use single-molecule force spectroscopy AFM technique to mechanically test single nacre molecules Study fundamental fracture behavior in living bone Through understanding allow: Development of new diagnostics for bone fracture risk, New therapies for bone diseases such as osteoporosis, Creation of bio-inspired materials mimicking the self-healing behaviors and extraordinary fracture resistance of biomaterials.
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