North Turkey Creek Watershed
Watershed (Drainage Basin) The area of land that is drained by a river and its tributaries. Surrounded by higher terrain referred to as “divides”.
Water Budget The amount of water put into a watershed minus the amount of water taken out. Input – Outtakes = Water Budget
Water Budget for N. Turkey Creek Input Input
Water Budget for N. Turkey Creek Input – Precipitation Input – Precipitation
Water Budget for N. Turkey Creek Input – Precipitation Input – Precipitation Outtakes – Outtakes –
Water Budget for N. Turkey Creek Input – Precipitation Input – Precipitation Outtakes – Outtakes – 1.Evapotranspiration 2.Runoff 3.Groundwater
Water Budget for N. Turkey Creek + Precipitation = 24 inches per year (2 ft) - Evaporation = 82% - Runoff = 8.1% - Groundwater = 9.9%
The North Turkey Creek Watershed 5000 homes 5000 homes 95% use wells 95% use wells From 1998 – 2001, the USGS studied this watershed to try to determine the impacts of people on surface and ground water through – From 1998 – 2001, the USGS studied this watershed to try to determine the impacts of people on surface and ground water through – –Watershed mapping –Determining a “Water Budget”
North Turkey Creek Watershed Step 1 Calculate how big the Watershed is Outline the watershed Outline the watershed Count how many squares are inside Count how many squares are inside
North Turkey Creek Watershed Find the map scale Find the map scale Determine the number of square miles within the watershed area Determine the number of square miles within the watershed area 1,393,920,000 ft x 10 9 ft 2
North Turkey Creek Watershed Step 2: Determine how much water we receive 1.39 x 10 9 ft 2 x 2 ft of precipitation 1.39 x 10 9 ft 2 x 2 ft = 1.39 x 10 9 ft 2 x 2 ft =
North Turkey Creek Watershed 1.39 x 10 9 ft 2 x 2 ft = 1.39 x 10 9 ft 2 x 2 ft = x 10 9 ft 3 of water each year of water each year
North Turkey Creek Watershed 1.39 x 10 9 ft 2 x 2 ft = x 10 9 ft 3 of water each year of water each year How many gallons is this?
North Turkey Creek Watershed x 10 9 ft 3 x 7.5 gal/ft 3 =
North Turkey Creek Watershed x 10 9 ft 3 x 7.5 gal/ft 3 = 2.091x gallons 2.091x gallons
North Turkey Creek Watershed Step 3: Determine how this water is used
North Turkey Creek Watershed Step 3: Determine how this water is used Evapotranspiration = 2.091x gallons of water x 82% =
North Turkey Creek Watershed Step 3: Determine how this water is used Evapotranspiration = 2.091x gallons of water x 82% = 1.7 x gallons
North Turkey Creek Watershed Step 3: Determine how this water is used Runoff = 2.091x gallons of water x 8.1% =
North Turkey Creek Watershed Step 3: Determine how this water is used Runoff = 2.091x gallons of water x 8.1% = 1.69 x 10 9 gallons
North Turkey Creek Watershed Step 3: Determine how this water is used Groundwater = 2.091x gallons of water x 9.9% =
North Turkey Creek Watershed Step 3: Determine how this water is used Groundwater = 2.091x gallons of water x 9.9% = 2.07 x 10 9 gallons
North Turkey Creek Watershed 1. Evapotranspiration = 1.7 x gallons 2. Runoff = 1.69 x 10 9 gallons 3. Groundwater = 2.07 x 10 9 gallons
North Turkey Creek Watershed 1. Evapotranspiration = 1.7 x gallons 2. Runoff = 1.69 x 10 9 gallons 3. Groundwater = 2.07 x 10 9 gallons
How much water do we use? The average American uses how many gallons of water each day? 100 gallons!!
How much water do people take out of the watershed? Population of North Turkey Creek = 5000 homes A. Estimate the number of people/household 2.4 x 5000 = 12,000 people B. Calculate the amount of water used by all the people in the area 12,000 x 100 gal/day = 1,200,000 gal/day c. Calculate total/year 1.2 million gal/day x 365 = 438,000,000 gal/yr
Total water used each year in the North Turkey Creek watershed: 438,000,000 gallons of water per year And this water comes from wells extracting groundwater. Is there enough ground water to meet this need?
Water Demand = 438,000,000 gallons/year Vs. Groundwater Supply = 2,070,000,000 gallons/year
This means there is enough water! So,… Where is the water coming from? Where is the water coming from? –Stored groundwater - 10’s to 100’s of years old –Septic Leachate (we will get into this more later) What happens if there’s a drought? What happens if there’s a drought? - Precipitation & Runoff decrease - Evapotranspiration increase - Amount of groundwater will decrease - Amount of groundwater used will ????
During the drought… Amount of precipitation dropped to Amount of precipitation dropped to 6 in/yr !
During the drought… Amount of precipitation dropped to 6 in/yr! Amount of precipitation dropped to 6 in/yr! The groundwater systems would receive The groundwater systems would receive 517,522,500 gallons/year 5.18 x 10 8 gal/yr
Let’s Compare… Average Annual Precipitation Drought Year Precipitation Precipitation (in)246 Total Water (gal)20,910,000,0005,227,500,000 Evapotranspiration (gal) 17,000,000,0004,286,550,000 Runoff (gal)1,690,000,000428,655,000 Groundwater Recharge (gal) 2,070,000,000517,522,500
Cause & Effect: Less water to support vegetation FIRES Less water to support vegetation FIRES Less water in streams Fish Die-offs Less water in streams Fish Die-offs Less groundwater wells dry up Less groundwater wells dry up
Other things to think about… 1. Increasing Population 2. Changes in Water use 3. Water rights ownership 4. Conservation