The United States Of America
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Droughts are periods of dry weather, especially a long one that is injurious to crops. Mega droughts are extreme droughts that last for a decade or longer Most western USA has been in a drought for more than 15 years. California is number 1 state in running out of water. The droughts are likely to inflict $2.2 billion in losses on the agricultural industry according to a July study from the university of California. Temperatures get warmer over time, the prevalence and duration of drought has increased in the American west.
Widespread of cutting down of trees for fuel reduce the soils ability to hold water drying out the ground, triggering desertification(the process by which an area becomes a desert) and leading to drought. Constructing a dam on a large river may help provide electricity and water near the reservoir. However it may also cause drought downstream by severely reducing the flow of water.
Results of bad droughts can be fierce wild fires, water shortages and potentially staging agricultural losses. Increased temperatures will lead to more precipitation falling as rain rather than snow. Losses or destruction of fish and wildlife.
Better monitor and measure water supply and uses nationwide. Reduce indoor water use through more efficient appliances, technologies, and behaviors. Make more strategic use of water. Reduce outdoor water efficiency through drought-tolerant landscape design and improved irrigation technologies. Increase recycling and reuse of water, including capturing and reusing storm water, greywater and wastewater.
Pollution is the presence in or introduction into the environment of a substance or thing that has harmful of poisonous effects. The way we get pollution is from cars caused by fossil fuels releasing carbon dioxide which is the largest source of gas emission. Car pollution has a huge effect no climate change. Car pollution is one of the biggest type of pollution. Cars and trucks produce air pollution throughout their life, including pollution emitted during vehicle operation, refueling, manufacturing, and disposal.
Pollution can cause diseases such as cancer, lupus, immune diseases, allergies, and asthma. Air pollution can destroy the Ozone Layer which protects us from the ultra violet rays. If there is to much Co2 in the atmosphere it can cause smog which can prevent sun light to hit plants and die.
Try to use your car less. Don’t purchase more cars than you need. Manufacturing, packaging, and shipping processes all create waste that pollutes the air. Buy local goods