Health Effects of Global Warming & Coal
“Overall…the health effects of a rapidly changing climate are likely to be overwhelmingly negative.” – World Health Organization
Turning up the Heat! 14.4°F 10.8°F 7.2°F 3.6°F °F ( ) +3.5°F ( )
California Heat Wave 2006 Daytime temperatures >100°F for two weeks Record night time highs > 1 million without electricity Death toll estimates ~16,000 excess ER visits and 1,000 excess hospitalizations 25,000 cattle and 700,000 chickens died
Hydrologic Cycle: Floods UN Millennium Ecosystem assessment
Hydrologic Cycle: Drought
Wildfire OSU
Rising Seas
Effect on Cascades Snowpack Temp in the Northwest 2 deg F hotter since 1970 Up to 25% reduction in snowpack in Cascades since 1930 ’ s. Expect 50-70% loss by Stream flow reductions Loss of snowpack affects tourism, skiing, drinking water, irrigation and electricity production in summer
Global Warming Refugees
Spreading Infectious Disease: Malaria UNEP/GRID-Arendal Center for Health and the Global Environment, Harvard Medical School
Heat + Dirty Fuels => Ozone Source: EPA EPA
Deteriorating Air Quality: Ozone Healthy AirwayInflamed Airway
Coal: A Leading Cause of Global Warming
Deadly Coal Emissions Threaten Lungs, Life
Mercury: Poisoning waters, fish… and us Fish Advisories Where you Live
Fine Particulate Matter: Invisible and Deadly
Projected Deaths, Hospitalizations Attributed to Coal Combustion
Energy Efficiency “There’s no cheaper, cleaner power than power you don’t have to produce.” - Gary Zarker, Seattle City Light
Wind Energy
Solar Energy