Introductions Name Organization/Position Year in school
Imago Dei: Image of God
Take-Aways Understand the importance of diversity from a biblical perspective. Develop awareness and appreciation of common humanity.
Do you think Diversity is Important? Why or Why not?
6 THE CASE FOR THE CHRISTIAN VIEW OF HUMAN NATURE THE IMAGE AND LIKENESS OF GOD The Christian Perspective: All Humans are created in the Image of God (Imago Dei): Humans are like God and represent him WHAT IS A HUMAN BEING?
7 “This is the book of the generations of Adam. When God created man, he made him in the likeness of God. “This is the book of the generations of Adam. When God created man, he made him in the likeness of God. Male and female he created them, and he blessed them and named them Man (adam) when they were created.” GENESIS 5:1-2, ESV THE CASE FOR THE CHRISTIAN VIEW OF HUMAN NATURE THE IMAGE AND LIKENESS OF GOD WHAT IS A HUMAN BEING?
8 THE CASE FOR THE CHRISTIAN VIEW OF HUMAN NATURE THE IMAGE AND LIKENESS OF GOD WHAT IS A HUMAN BEING? We can define mankind: Ontologically “What we are” Functionally “What we do” It is mankind as mankind, not some element or ability in them, which constitutes the divine image.
9 THE CASE FOR THE CHRISTIAN VIEW OF HUMAN NATURE THE IMAGE AND LIKENESS OF GOD CONCLUSIONS ON THE IMAGE OF GOD IN MAN 1.From conception to death, all humans are created in the image of God. 2.Although humans reflect the image of God in differing degrees and ways, no one is created in the image of God to a greater or lesser degree. 3.The image of God is the foundation for human dignity and biblical ethics.
10 THE CASE FOR THE CHRISTIAN VIEW OF HUMAN NATURE THE IMAGE AND LIKENESS OF GOD CONCLUSIONS ON THE IMAGE OF GOD IN MAN 4. The image of God is the foundation for human purpose, meaning and accountability. Jesus ultimately shows us what the Image looks like. Jesus ultimately shows us what the Image looks like.
11 THE CASE FOR THE CHRISTIAN VIEW OF HUMAN NATURE THE IMAGE AND LIKENESS OF GOD Jesus perfectly shows us the Image of God Jesus perfectly shows us the Image of God CONCLUSIONS ON THE IMAGE OF GOD IN MAN Perfect fellowship with the Father Perfect obedience to the Father’s will Selfless love for others Perfectly fulfilling his intended purpose
12 THE CASE FOR THE CHRISTIAN VIEW OF HUMAN NATURE THE IMAGE AND LIKENESS OF GOD IMPLICATIONS OF THE IMAGE OF GOD IN MAN The Gospel Provides the only Ultimate Solution “From now on, therefore, we regard no one according to the flesh. Even though we once regarded Christ according to the flesh, we regard him thus no longer.” 2 CORINTHIANS 5:16, ESV
14 THE CASE FOR THE CHRISTIAN VIEW OF HUMAN NATURE THE IMAGE AND LIKENESS OF GOD “We stand in awe of the ocean, the thunderstorm, the sunset, the mountains, but we pass by a human being without notice, even though the person is God’s most magnificent creation.” AUGUSTINE
Discussion Questions What is your understanding of diversity from a biblical perspective? How can you promote a deeper understanding for common humanity through your organization?