 Mt.20:1-15 Even human reason agrees: everyone has a right to use his own things in the way he wants  God created universe / people They deny, ignore,


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Presentation transcript:

 Mt.20:1-15 Even human reason agrees: everyone has a right to use his own things in the way he wants  God created universe / people They deny, ignore, disobey Him

The Sovereignty Of God 1.State of being sovereign: above or superior to all others, chief; greatest 2.Supreme in power, rank, or authority 3.Ruler, reigning 4.Independent of all others

False view of sovereignty “God from all eternity did, by the most wise and holy counsel of His own will, freely and unchangeably ordain whatsoever comes to pass; yet so, as thereby neither is God the author of sin, nor is violence offered to the will of the creatures, nor is the liberty or contingency of second causes taken away, but rather established” – Westminister Confession of Faith, 3.1 “Whatsoever comes to pass…” Except sin? “Whatsoever comes to pass…” Except freewill? Impossible for man to sin! If man is accountable for evil deeds, why not credited for good deeds?

True view of sovereignty Man has freedom to choose (Josh. 24:15) God has right to rule / to punish Creation Attributes Sacrifice (Jn.3:16) Purpose (1 Tim.2:4)

I. Passages Gn.14:18-20, 22 1 Chr.29:11-12 Ps.103:19 1 Tim.6:15 Rv.4:11 Most High (4x) Heaven & earth Throne Incomparable Supreme

I. Passages II. God Is Sovereign Over: 1. Man, Gn.2:7-9 (3:17-19, 24) 2. Sin, Gn.45:5-8 (Ac.2:23) 3. Satan, Job Nations, Is.40:6-8, 15; Dn.4

I. Sovereignty Passages II. Sovereign Over… III. Lessons

1. God’s sovereignty is most encouraging Not Deism God created universe, endowed w. laws; exercises general oversight Forces His creatures to work out destiny by own powers Denies special revelation, miracles, and providence - an absentee God! Ct. 1 Pt.5:7

Not Fatalism Goddess of fate (lit. part or portion; then one's portion in life, destiny) Later three fates Appeared three nights after child’s birth to determine course of its life Fates determined all events; nothing man can do (que sera sera) Cf. 1 Co.15:19

Providence Ps.121:3, protection for the way Ph.4:19, supply for every need (Ga.6:10; Ep.3:21; Ro.8:32) 1 Pt.1:5, the best defense

1 Pt.1:5 Kept Kept: defended (Military term) defended as if in a fortress By power By power of God Through faith

2. God will defeat every enemy Ro.16:20 1 Co.15:25  1 Sm.17

“If God did not bless, not one hair, not a solitary wisp of straw, would grow; but there would be an end of every- thing. At the same time God wants me to take this stance: I would have nothing whatever if I did not plow and sow. God does not want to have success come without work, and yet I am not to achieve it by my work. He does not want me to sit at home, to loaf, to commit matters to God, and to wait till a fried chicken flies into my mouth. That would be tempting God” – Martin Luther

3. We must obey God God, Ac.4:19; 5:29 (Dn.3) Gospel Gospel, 2 Th.1:8  Salvation: Ro.9:14-24; 11:36  Life: Ro.12:1-2  Worship: Col.2:8-9, 23