Carol Galbo, Instructional Technology Specialist West Georgia RESA Technology Center
Access Learning Village Become familiar with the Dashboard functions and content Access Destination Math and Reading Locate standards-aligned resources using Grade-Level Frameworks links Explore the HMH Destination Success Modules
Provided by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Includes Destination Math with resources for K-12 Includes Destination Reading with resources for K-8 Chosen by school districts as Option 2 for their Title IID funds for FY 09/10
Can be accessed on the Learning Village site through GeorgiaStandards.OrgGeorgiaStandards.Org Provides content rich activities and lessons Is currently aligned to the Georgia Performance Standards Will be aligned to the new Common Core GPS
For teacher-led instruction only; students may not use a teacher’s MyGaDOE portal logon. A student learning management system is available for purchase; contact Roberta Jones at for more
Go to: Goals of this wiki: ◦To provide a model and resources for redelivery in your school districts ◦To provide step-by-step guide/review for teachers to access and use Destination Math and Reading in their classrooms Content may change as Learning Village is updated.
A short tour of Learning Village…
Teachers must register and be approved for a MyGaDOE portal account. Users must logon at the Learning Village site, not on the GaDOE home page.
If timed out, the logon screen that appears is not working yet. Go back to the Learning Village link on GeorgiaStandards.Org to log back on there.
Learning Village has a new user-friendly design with two ways to access Destination Math and Reading!
The dashboard displays summary information for designated modules as well as providing links to manage or view more detail. The common modules seen here are: ◦Welcome or update message ◦Recent news ◦Notifications ◦Recent discussions ◦Calendar views
My Settings (Can’t be edited.) Sign in as Different User (Don’t use.) Log off the Learning Village site (Yes!)
Mouse over the Standard Name to view standard in a pop-up window. Find specific standards by keying in general search terms or the GPS.
Results show GaDOE instructional plans that contain Unit Frameworks, examples of Student Work, Performance Tasks, and Teacher Commentary.
On the Dashboard tab: ◦GaDOE Subject Areas ◦GaDOE Virtual School ◦GaDOE Online Professional Learning Elluminate Live Calendar and Guides ◦Recent Content, News and Discussions ◦Destination Reading and Math Units About the Content tab: ◦Lists resources by topic area ◦Offers a search function to locate resources
Content is divided by subject areas with each section containing grade level folders : K-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12.
Source: GaDOE Learning Village Quick Start Guide
Let’s start with English/Language Arts!
Organized into several web parts, users may access links for additional information and resources found under each section.
Access Destination Reading through the first section (Grade Level Frameworks) and last section (Destination Series) on the page.
1.Select the grade level folder. 2.On the next page select the specific grade. 3.On the final page, scroll to the bottom to select the GPS-aligned Destination Reading link.
Lesson Plan Lesson Plan ◦Complete guide to teaching the unit Student Log Book Student Log Book ◦Additional instruction and practice in a printable worksheet format Your Turn Activity Your Turn Activity ◦Challenging exercises/assessments in printable worksheet format
What’s inside Destination Reading?
General navigation tools are located at the bottom of the screen as well as a volume control slider.
The User controls provide access to download, connect and launch functions only as directed during the session.
Access the primary reading passage, glossary, create a sticky note, or print through the Tools menu.
Comprehension strategies Listening to the text Vocabulary strategies The primary reading passages contain links to:
Access Destination Reading through the first section (Grade Level Frameworks) and last section (Destination Series) on the page.
Click on a grade level to access the chart listing modules and resources aligned to GPS for ELA. K-8 GPS-Aligned Resources
To access the entire HMH course* in Destination Reading, just scroll to the bottom of the ELA Subject Area page and click on one of the images. Course I (Grades K-1) Course II (Grades 2-3) Course III (Grades 4-6) Course IV (Grades 6-8) *Some Spanish versions available
What about Math?
Learning Village has a new user-friendly design with two ways to access Destination Math and Reading!
Access Destination Math through the first section (Grade Level Frameworks) and last section (Destination Series) on this page, also.
Select the desired Grade Level Framework Scroll down to the Destination Math section and select either the Grade Alignment link or the full Course link.
Exploring Destination Math
Click here for help using the navigation buttons located at the bottom on the screen.
Click here for the glossary and additional tools related to the lesson.
Click here to select the lesson or to change from the practice mode to workout.
The red “T” is the tutorial. The numbers listed next are all practice exercises. Green = beginning level Blue = intermediate level Purple = advanced level Selecting one of the units in the course opens its available learning activities.
More than one way to get there…
Access Destination Math through the first section (Grade Level Frameworks) and last section (Destination Series) on this page, also.
Click on a grade level to access the chart listing modules and resources aligned to GPS for Mathematics. K – 12 GPS Aligned Resources
To access the entire HMH course* in Destination Math, just scroll to the bottom of the Mathematics Subject Area page and click on one of the images. *All offer Spanish versions. Course I (Grades K-1) Course II (Grades 2-3) Course III (Grades 4-6) Course IV (Grades 6-8) Course V - Pre-Algebra (Grades 6-8) Course A – Algebra (Grades 7-12) Course B – Algebra (Grades 7-12)
Access Learning Village Become familiar with the Dashboard functions and content Access Destination Math and Reading Locate standards-aligned resources using Grade-Level Frameworks links Explore the HMH Destination Success Modules
me at Refer to my wiki, Option2Training at Carol Galbo Instructional Technology Specialist West Georgia RESA Technology Center