Mathematics Course Updates from GaDOE Dec ** Updates for transitioning to Common Core ** New course standards/elements are available in Learning Village.
Fourth Mathematics Course Options **New course standards/elements are available in Learning Village.
Interventions for Students Who Entered 9 th grade in 2008 and in 2009 (Most will be in the Classes of 2012 & 2013) Mathematics Support III is a tier 2 intervention & is offered for core credit. Students who successfully complete Mathematics I, Mathematics II, Mathematics Support III, and Mathematics III will have satisfied the mathematics requirements for graduation.
Interventions for Students Who Entered 9 th grade in 2008 and in 2009 Proposed: Mathematics Support I and Mathematics Support II may be treated as elective or core courses. Students who take four years of math and successfully complete Mathematics I and Mathematics II will have satisfied the minimum math requirements for graduation.
Ninth GradersTenth GradersEleventh GradersTwelfth Graders 2011 / 2012 EOCT = 25% of course grade Pass the GHSWT EOCT = 15% of course grade [Pass one EOCT in each of the four content areas or pass the corresponding subject test of GHSGT] Pass GHSWT EOCT = 15% of course grade [Pass one EOCT in each of the four content areas or pass the corresponding subject test of GHSGT] Pass GHSWT EOCT = 15% of course grade [Pass one EOCT in each of the four content areas or pass the corresponding subject test of GHSGT] Pass GHSWT 2012 / 2013 EOCT = 25% of course grade Pass the GHSWT EOCT = 25% of course grade Pass the GHSWT EOCT = 15% of course grade [Pass one EOCT in each of the four content areas or pass the corresponding subject test of GHSGT] Pass GHSWT EOCT = 15% of course grade [Pass one EOCT in each of the four content areas or pass the corresponding subject test of GHSGT] Pass GHSWT 2013 / 2014 EOCT = 25% of course grade Pass the GHSWT EOCT = 25% of course grade Pass the GHSWT EOCT = 25% of course grade Pass the GHSWT EOCT = 15% of course grade [Pass one EOCT in each of the four content areas or pass the corresponding subject test of GHSGT] Pass GHSWT 2014 / 2015 Common Core Assessment Implementation (Language Arts & Mathematics) EOCT = 25% (Science & Social Studies) Common Core Assessment Implementation (Language Arts & Mathematics) EOCT = 25% (Science & Social Studies) Common Core Assessment Implementation (Language Arts & Mathematics) EOCT = 25% (Science & Social Studies) EOCT = 25% of course grade Pass the GHSWT Secondary Assessment Transition Plan
Secondary Assessment Transition Important: – This proposed plan would not go into effect until the school year. – High school testing should proceed as planned this year. All grade 11 students should participate in the GHSGT this spring AYP will be calculated using the GHSGT. – If the plan is approved, beginning in AYP will be calculated using the EOCT. Courses to be determined.