Mrs. Weinstock Grade 3 Welcome, parents!
Welcome to Third Grade! Welcome back! I hope you had a very happy and relaxing summer. I am very excited about the new school year, and I hope you are too!
All About Me My background I grew up in Havertown and currently live in Drexel Hill. I am Catholic, and attended all Catholic schools growing up including Sacred Heart School, Cardinal O’Hara HS, and Cabrini College. My experience I’ve been teaching for 13 years, all at Holy Cross! I have also taught Fifth and Sixth grades.
My Goals To give your child the academic and social skills they need to succeed in 4th grade, and beyond. To provide a supportive and fun classroom environment where my students will be engaged in the learning process. Class Homepage
My Philosophy Be a good Christian. Show respect, responsibility, and love towards yourself and others. Have fun while learning.
Subjects Our subjects in 3rd grade are: Religion: We Believe ELA : Journeys Series Reading, Spelling, Grammar, and Phonics Math: Go Math! Handwriting: Zaner-Bloser Science: :Lab Learner Social Studies: Our Communities
Math - Overview Develop understanding of fractions Multiplication and Division Place Value Fractions Develop understanding of fractions as numbers on a number line Measurement and Data Area and Perimeter Geometry Reason with shapes and their attributes.
Common Core Standards Third Grade Standards Visit the Archdiocesan Website for Math and ELA Standards:
Science and Social Studies Science LabLearner Program Lab Based curriculum Hands-On Learning Social Studies Communities Urban Suburban Rural Mountain Communities Desert Communities River Communities Much more!! Local, State and National Government National Symbols Washington D.C.
Classroom Community Our classroom is a community. In our community, we have rules to help us get along with each other. I ask that each student follow the rules posted, and also our Good Manners Rules. This helps them to become better members of any classroom or community they are a member of in the future.
Homework All assignments are posted on my webpage for your convenience. Homework is assigned each weeknight. Please make sure that your son/daughter has completed and understood each assignment. Please sign the assignment book each night.
Tests and Quizzes Friday is ELA Testing Day Approx. one week’s notice will be given for other tests. Quizzes could be given on shorter notice. “Test Folders” will go home on Thursday evenings. Each test should be signed by a parent. Please go over these tests and check for understanding. Sometimes I will ask for corrections to be made. They should be made on loose leaf paper and attached.
Specials Monday: ELA Technology Tuesday: Spanish Wednesday: Music Thursday: Physical Education Friday: Technology Mr. Campbell will announce Choir “auditions,” practice days and times. I will keep you posted.
Attendance School begins at 8:00 am with prayers and first classes beginning at 8:05. Please make every effort to have your child here on time. On the occasion your son/daughter is absent, please fill out one of the forms in your packet and send it in the day of their return.
Grading and Report Card Changes New grading scale per the Archdiocese: O = 97-100 VG = 91-96 G = 84-90 S = 77-83 I = 72-76 U = below 72 ELA is now broken up into separate categories with individual grades for each: Reading – Phonics, Fluency and Comprehension Writing – Language Mechanics, Vocabulary and Spelling Communication – Public Speaking and Active Listening Handwriting
A Little Food For Thought…
Thank you so much for coming! Let’s Have a Great Year!