Luton Learning Symposium Putteridge Bury 23 February 2006
Our aims To c_ l _br _t_ and sh _ r _ gnitseretni and evitceffe pcitcare in pnitomorg agaoaoad lbebabrbnbibnbgb in rou coshols dialogue“ between enable in colleagues schools a To Luton “learning
Our aims To celebrate and share interesting and effective practice in promoting good learning in our schools To enable a "learning dialogue" between colleagues in Luton schools
Why is this important? Lively Luton Learner Learning to do Learning to be Learning to live together Learning to know International Commission on Education for the 21 st Century, UNESCO
More about the lively Luton learner (and the rest of us) Inventing Altering response patterns Storing information outside the body Deriving meaning from experiences Systems thinking Problem finding Learning in reciprocity Constructing abstractions What makes humans human?, Costa 1996
What’s happening here?
What did A say to B? What did B say to A? What role did the polar bear play? Why were they all there in the first place? What happened next?