Iqaluit-----The Frozen Town
Beth Allen
Polar bear
ice house
ice fishing
Reading on page 73: Fill in the chart on page 74 Points in the passage What Beth thoughtInformation in the passage The temperature How to travel Holidays cold, but not too cold by dogsled too cold for holidays very cold, -35 degrees average in winter by snowmobile tourists like ice fishing and photographing polar bears
Points in the passage What Beth thought Information in the passage How people live What the Inuit do Daylight hours in ice houses in warm houses hunt animals have businesses light in daytime dark in winter day; light in summer night
Words and expressions 到达 : 特区 北极圈 平均气温 带人进入 竞争,比赛 登广告 照相 远离 靠打猎为生 有。。。人口 arrive in / at special area Arctic Circle average temperature take…into competition advertise photograph far away hunt animals for a living with a population of
Question: In your life, is there anything that makes your heart soar ? mum’ s love, trust from your friends, the chatter of birds, the bud of flowers Now read a poem by a famous native Canadian on page 75. It is a poem of love for the natural world. Try to enjoy the beauty of the nature.
Homework Review the unit 5 Finish the all exercises