Save The Polar Bears By: Nina S.
Where Polar Bears Live Polar bears live in four main northern regions. The main reason they live in these regions is because of their prey. Their main prey is seals which live on ice caps. Polar bears are effected by Global Warming because the ice caps they live on are melting.
Why are Polar Bears Endangered? Rising Temperatures due to Global Warming a. Sea ice Thinner ice Ice Melting b. Less habitat Ice hunting Sea ice breaking off
History of Global Warming Global Warming is believed to be caused by large amounts of CO2 (Carbon +Oxygen). It is the theory behind the Ice Age which was about 12,000 years ago. Fluctuation of temperature is a result of Global Warming.
Carbon Pollution Polar Bears are also effected by Carbon Pollution because it gives off extra heat and causes sea ice to melt. Carbon pollution is caused by power plants, factories, and cars. Dirty fuels such as coal, oil, and gasoline can also increase carbon pollution. To decrease carbon pollution, try using renewable energy that is wildlife friendly.
How We Can Help Reduce carbon emissions Reduce factory pollution Use more greenhouses and solar panels
In Conclusion Polar bears are on their way to extinction. If we all pitch in and do something we can probably bring polar bears back to average population. Go ahead, start now with the journey to Save The Polar Bears!!!!
RESEARCH INFORMATION 1 National Wildlife Federation 1 Marine Bio Conservation Society 1 National Wildlife Federation 1 Marine Bio Conservation Society PICTURES ww Google Bibliographies