Jeopardy Game ConversionsMetricsApothecaryHousehold
Conversions Conversions
Synthroid 750 mcg is equaled how many mg Synthroid 750 mcg is equaled how many mg? Answer
0.75 mg
Chropromazine 30 mg per mL is available from pharmacy. How many mL do you need for the dose of 120 mg? Answer
4 mL
Mrs. B. has 8.5 L of apple juice in the refrigerator. How many mL of this juice is available? Answer
8500 mL
4 drams = ? oz Answer
½ oz
2.5 oz = ? drams Answer
20 drams
gr VII = ? mg Answer
420 mg
15 teaspoons = ? tablespoons Answer
5 tablespoon
Coffee ½ cup = ? oz Answer
4 oz
Medication 3 oz is equaled how many drams? Answer
24 drams
X gr X is equaled how many mg? Answer
600 mg
A tablet of Nitrostat gr 1/150 is equaled how many mg? Answer
0.4 mg
Mr. Green is shopping for the party of 10 people. He is buying 6.6 lb of oranges, a pineapple (4.4 lb), and 1 bottle of rum (500 mL). He forgot his car and needs to carry everything on his own. Approximately how many kg, mg, and g of weights that he needs to bear on his shoulders? Answer
5 kg and 5 g or 5 kg and 500 mg or 5.5 kg