PROBLEM SOLVING Environment – surroundings Normal behavior- acceptable to society (always changing) Solve it (talk; face it; this is the hardest) Adjust to it- changing self; least used Change environment; most used
PROBLEM SOLVING Abnormal behavior Can’t solve Can’t adjust Artificially changes the environment
PROBLEM SOLVING Neurotic- reactive to environment Uncontrollable fears; harmful to themselves Psychotic- most severe, develops from within no reason in environment Dangerous to all (sociopath) Personality Disorders- least harmful always been this way Nose picker
SIGNS OF DEPRESSION Pessimistic attitude (negative) Glass is half empty Feelings of hopelessness and failure Shakespeare Apathy –don’t care Sleep disturbances-nightmares/insomnia Sleep walking
SIGNS OF DEPRESSION cont. Fatigue Increased menstrual difficulties Gastrointestinal symptoms Ulcers Diarrhea Constipation Bad taste
SIGNS OF DEPRESSION cont. Drastic changes in body weight Abuse of alcohol &/or other drugs Lack of sexual interest Ambivalence – can’t make decisions Difficulty with concentration and memory
PREVENTION Talk about your troubles Show interest in a friend’s problems Be a good LISTENER (eye contact)
TERMS NEUROSIS- A functional disorder in which feelings of anxiety, obsessional thoughts, compulsive acts and physical complaints. PSYCHOSIS- A mental disorder characterized by symptoms such as delusions or hallucinations that indicate impaired contact with reality.