Chapter 2 Data Manipulation Yonsei University 1 st Semester, 2015 Sanghyun Park
Outline Computer Architecture Machine Language Program Execution Arithmetic/Logic Instructions Communicating With Other Devices
Computer Architecture The central processing unit, or ____ is a main part of the computer CPU consists of two parts: Arithmetic/logic unit: performs data __________ Control unit: __________ the machine’s activities CPU contains cells, or ________, for temporary storage of information For the purpose of transferring bit patterns, a machine’s CPU and main memory are connected by a collection of wires called a ____
CPU and Main Memory
Stored Program Concept Program (instructions) is stored in _______ instead of being built into the control unit as part of the machine Adding values stored in memory
Machine Language (1/2) CPUs are designed to recognize __________ encoded as bit patterns This collection of instructions along with the encoding system is called the machine _________ An instruction expressed in this language is called a _________ instruction
Machine Language (2/2) Two philosophies of CPU design: CPU should be designed to execute a _______ set of machine instructions: leads to a ______ instruction set computer (_____) CPU should have the ability to execute a ______ number of complex instructions: leads to a ________ instruction set computer (_____) Machine instructions can be classified as: Data transfer: LOAD, STORE, I/O instructions Arithmetic/Logic: arithmetic/logic operations, SHIFT, ROTATE Control: conditional or unconditional JUMP
An illustrative Machine Language (1/3) The architecture of the machine for the discussion
An illustrative Machine Language (2/3) The encoded version of a machine instruction consists of two parts: _______ (short for operation code) field: indicates which of the elementary operations is requested by the instruction ____________: provides more detailed information about the operation specified by the op-code The entire machine language of the illustrative machine consists of only 12 basic instructions Each of these instructions is encoded using a total of 16 bits, represented by ____ hexadecimal digits
An illustrative Machine Language (3/3)
Decoding the Instruction 35A7
An Encoded Version of the Instructions in Figure 2.2
Program Execution (1/2) A computer follows a program stored in its memory by copying the instructions from memory into the control unit as needed The order in which the instructions are fetched from memory corresponds to the order in which they are stored in the memory unless otherwise specified by a ______ instruction
Program Execution (2/2) Within the control unit are two special purpose registers: The ______________ contains the address of the next instruction to be executed The _________________ holds the instruction being executed The control unit performs its job by continually repeating an algorithm through a three-step process known as the _____________
Machine Cycle
An Example of Program Execution (1/3)
An Example of Program Execution (2/3)
An Example of Program Execution (3/3)
Arithmetic/Logic Operations AND OR XOR _________________________ AND OR XOR _________________________
Rotating to the Right
Communicating with Other Devices (1/5) The main memory and CPU form the _____ of a computer Communication between a computer and other devices is normally handled through an intermediary device known as a ________ From there the controller connects via ______ to peripheral devices
Communicating with Other Devices (2/5) These controllers are often small _________ within themselves, each with its own memory circuitry and CPU that performs a program A controller _______ messages and data back and forth between forms compatible with the internal characteristics of the computer and those of the peripheral device
Communicating with Other Devices (3/5)
Communicating with Other Devices (4/5) The CPU is able to communicate with the _________ in the same manner that it communicates with main memory I/O instructions _______ the various controllers by an _________ system similar to that of main memory The set of addresses assigned to a controller are called a _____ An alternative is _________________ in which each controller is designed to respond to references to a unique set of main memory addresses
Communicating with Other Devices (5/5)