Price Performance Metrics CS3353
CPU Price Performance Ratio Given – Average of 6 clock cycles per instruction – Clock rating for the cpu – Number of cores per cpu-die. Calculate the total MIPS rating for the chip Divide the MIPS rating by the cost to get the price performance ratio.
Memory Price Performance Ratio Capacity Speed
Memory Price Performance: Capacity Compute the cost per GB, $/GB
Memory Price Performance: Speed Cost/GB * maximum throughput.
Disk Price Performance Ratio Disk performance is based on – Capacity – Reliability – Speed
Disk Price Performance: Capacity Cents/GB Note that RAID will impact the price performance measure based on capacity. – Determine the RAID storage efficiency – Do not include the Parity storage for this measurement – If the drives are different sizes, then the HDD with the smallest capacity determines the capacity of all the drives in the array. – Include the cost of any additional required hardware like a RAID controller.
Disk Price Performance: Capacity Total cost for array / bytes of available storage
Disk Price Performance: Reliability Based on the – MTBF – Number of drives in the array – Total cost / (MTBF/n-drives)
Disk Price Performance: Speed IO speed and the RAID implementation – Price/byte – speed in bytes/sec – The product of the two above is $/sec.