Transformation of Society The Industrial Revolution is more than just technology. It was a major turning point in World History It was the most far-reaching.


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Presentation transcript:

Transformation of Society The Industrial Revolution is more than just technology. It was a major turning point in World History It was the most far-reaching transformation of society since the beginning of farming 10,000 years ago

Before:The Economy  An agricultural economy  Mercantilism  Based on producers  Local Markets  Countries produced goods for themselves

After:Transformation of the Economy  Became an industrial economy  Capitalism  A consumer-oriented society  The mass market  Britain became the “Workshop of the World”- Their goods, ships, and banks dominated the world

Before: The Organization of Production  Goods were produced by small businesses  Cottage Industries  Small Companies

After: The Organization of Production  Goods became mass produced  The Factory System  Modern corporations

Before: The Scale of Production  Produced one thing at a time  Same productivity level for centuries  Goods are expensive  A society based on scarcity

After: The Scale of Production  Dramatic abundance of goods  Dramatic decline in prices  Mass Production  Dramatic increase in productivity

Before:The Rate of Production  It was fueled by manpower, horse power, and water power  Life for people revolved around the farming seasons

After:The Rate of Production  Fueled by steam engines  Live for people now revolved around the factory whistle and clock

The making of goods:  Before people would make one product from start to finish  After industrialization people would perform one monotonous action, over and over and over and over again.

BEFORE  People were self employed  Labor was valued people had dignity  Workers cared about craftsmanship and the quality of goods  In cottage industry there were no big risks and no big profits  THE MERCHANT AFTER  People became wage laborers. You were cheap labor. A machine can now do the work of 20 men in ¼ of the time  Workers wanted trade unions to fight horrible working conditions.  Risks were great and bankruptcies were high.  Profits were high  THE CAPITALIST

Changes in the economy caused a shake up in society  Before the Industrialization Revolution the world was an agricultural society.  You were born into your social class  After the Industrial Revolution the world started to become and industrial society.  Overnight there became two new social classes.  Middle Class  Working Class

Before:The Family  A Family based economy  Families worked in a cottage industry  Women and children work inside the home  Families raised their own food and feed themselves.  SELF-SUFFICIENT

After:The Family  An Industry based economy  Mom and children began to work in the factories  Women and children leave the home  Families now buy food or starve

Before:Schools  Schools were for the upper class  A society of craftsmen, weavers, and blacksmiths

After:Schools  Schools became open to the middle class  A society of factor owners and workers

Before: Trading Towns, Culture, Everyday Life  Trading towns were located near rivers  Rural cultures  Slow pace life  Life revolved around farms. Everyone knows everyone else. Close nit society

After: Industrial Cities, Changing Culture, Everyday Life  Cities sprout up near coal mines and iron mines  Urban Culture  Uncontrolled industrial and urban development  Fast paced society of strangers  Life revolved around factories

BEFORE  People had the same technologies for centuries  Every house had a spinning wheel  Most people never traveled 20 miles from their home in their life AFTER  Massive changes in technologies.  Spinning wheel was replace by textile mills  Transportation revolution occurs  Canals, roads, rails, Booming Coal Fields

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