Pronoun Trivia Unit Review
Determine the case of each pronoun John and he went to the movies.
Answer: Subject/ Nominative
The teacher would not listen to her.
Answer: Objective
Lucy told Brian the secret, hoping it would stay between Brian and her.
Answer: Objective
That iPod is mine!!!
Answer: Possessive
She did not want to buy the expensive sweatshirt.
Answer: Subject/ Nominative
I can’t believe she thinks my brother is hot!!!!
Answer: Possessive
Kevin insisted that I keep his rock collection, but I did not know what to do with it.
Answer: Objective
Select the correct pronoun I don’t think Brad and (she;her) make a good couple.
Answer: she
There always seems to be conflict between the teacher and (she, her).
Answer: her
Julie, Kevin, and (I, me) will be attending the meeting.
Answer: I
The only people attending the pep rally are Madison and (I, me).
Answer: I
That house belongs to (they, them).
Answer: them
“May I please speak with Taylor?” “Yes, this is (her, she).”
Answer: she
What is the direct object? Loni drive the car to the movies.
Answer: car
I walked my dog around the block.
Answer: dog
Kim learned the difficult equation so quickly.
Answer: equation
I rehearsed my lines over and over again.
Answer: lines
The bird sang beautifully.
Select the indirect object I purchased Kevin two tickets for the show.
Answer: Kevin
Sam gave me his computer to use.
Answer: me
What is an interrogative pronoun?
Answer: a pronoun that asks a questions, like “who”.
What is a reflexive pronoun?
Answer: a pronoun that refers back to the subject and is necessary to the meaning of a sentence.
Everyone must hand in (his/her/their) cellphone.
Answer: his/her
Some of my confident (is, are) gone after seeing the other students be harshly rejected by the coach.
Answer: is
(Who, whom) did Jack pick up from the airport?
Answer: whom
None of the players (is, are) going to my after game party.
Answer: are
I couldn’t believe the winner of the election was (him/he).
Answer: he
What is an intensive pronoun?
Answer: a pronoun that intensifies the subject and is NOT needed in the sentence.
(Who) is going to take me to dinner?
Answer: who