Diagramming Complements
Direct object Jeb built the house. Note: since this verb has an object, it would be called a “transitive” verb. Subject Jeb built Note: this line goes all the way through. This line does not. house the This noun is the object of the verb “built”.
Predicate nominative Jeb is the preacher. Note: the reason we know this complement is a predicate nominative and not a direct object is because this verb is a linking verb, not an action verb. Subject Jeb is Note: to distinguish the complement from a direct object, this line is slanted over. preacher the This noun is a predicate nominative. It is not a direct object.
Predicate adjective Jeb is very active. Note: the reason we know this complement is a predicate adjective and not a direct object is because this verb is a linking verb, not an action verb. Subject Jeb is Note: to distinguish the complement from a direct object, this line is slanted over. active very Note: this word is not a noun. Therefore, it cannot be a predicate nominative. It is a predicate adjective.
Compound direct object Jeb built the house and the barn. Note: since this verb has an object, it would be called a “transitive” verb. Subject Jeb built the house barn and
Indirect object Jeb built Jack a house. Subject Jeb built Indirect object house a Jack Direct object
Compound verb with direct object Jeb built the house but failed his mother. failed Jeb built but house the mother his Action verbs Direct objects
Compound verb with a single direct object Jeb builds and maintains websites. maintains Jeb builds and websites Subject Verbs Direct object