Air Liquide in Middle East & Africa 元 team
Facts & figures Middle East Africa Establishment strategy
Facts & figures Air Liquide: a world leader Financial specificities: Turnover: 12 billion 22% market share 43,000 people in 75 countries Financial specificities: 40% of shareholders are private Capital intensive industry
Facts & figures The different trades of the company Large industries > plants directly connected to pipes Industrial customers > Sales of bottled gas and gas liquid Healthcare > medical gas / therapy gas Electronics > pure gases (semiconductor, photovoltaic) Related activities > specialty chemicals, welding, diving,…
Facts & figures Main competitors: Strengths and strategy: Strong presence in Europe (especially Western Europe) Strong presence in Asia (No. 2 in Japan) Strategy: racing for new geographical areas and different fields.
Middle East Characteristics: Air Liquide’s development: Low demography High purchasing power Oil & Gas oriented Air Liquide’s development: Mostly recent (last 10 years) Based on large industries
Africa Characteristics: Air Liquide’s development: High demography Low purchasing power Raw material oriented Air Liquide’s development: Historical zone (colonies) + recent development Based on industrial customers and healthcare
Establishment strategy Air Liquide golden rules: Be open, curious, travel, meet local people. Have locals in the Board of Directors Relationship with the IFRI, the Chamber of Commerce in Paris, embassies, missions economiques Few expatriates sets up gradually (easier to leave in necessary)
Establishment strategy Specific challenges Electricity consumption Local financial resources Human resources No need a lot of space
Establishment strategy Few failures: Mexico: poor internal analysis + external condition (devaluation) In other countries (Algeria, China, Iran, ...): threw out
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