Slide 1 of 4 Open Health Tools New Member Presentation Doug Burke, President & Cofounder December 7, 2012
Slide 2 of 4 Who We Are Cognitive was created to change the healthcare system in the US through innovative software solutions, platforms and tools We specialize in standards-based software engineering solutions for organizations where real world experiences with healthcare standards, clinical workflow, decision support, and/or legacy system integration are needed for success Founded in 2011, 13 employees, headquarters in San Diego Bootstrapped and profitable Primary customers today are DoD and VA Future customers will include commercial healthcare organizations and health IT vendors
Slide 3 of 4 What We Do Services: Design, develop, deploy and support custom software for Federal and commercial healthcare entities Products: Standards-based clinical decision support platform and tools Example projects: – VA: iPhone/iPad scheduling application for the VA’s EHR Clinical Decision Support Lab – creation, integration, validation – DoD: Helping to develop solutions to migrate off of legacy EHR systems Investigating Semantic Web terminology services and inference capabilities – Commercial: Integration between commercial patient intake system and GE’s Centricity product Creation of a process automation and CDS tool for the NICU
Slide 4 of 4 Cognitive’s Open Source Strategy Cognitive will actively use open source software where ever possible and prudent Cognitive will cultivate and sustain an Open Source Software (OSS) Clinical Decision Support community called Socratic Grid The purpose of this community will be to further the development of our clinical decision support platform (e.g., new markets, new uses, new extensions, new interfaces) Software developed in the community will be contributed back to both the community (via Open Health Tools and OSEHRA) and to Cognitive Cognitive will seek to establish and maintain a reference Clinical Decision Support laboratory for the community, its partners, and academia