Skull(cranium) Cerebral cranium Facial cranium division:
paired:temporal bone 、parietal bone (一) Cerebral cranium paired:temporal bone 、parietal bone unpaired:frontal bone 、 Sphenoid bone ethmoid bone、Occipital bone 、 ethmoid bone Sphenoid bone frontal bone Frontal bone parietal bone temporal bone Occipital bone temporal bone
1、 Ethmoid Bone Cribriform Division Perpendicular plate Ethmoidal labyrinths Ethmoid Bone Ethmoidal labyrinths Cribriform plate Crista galli Perpendicular plate
2、 Sphenoid Bone Body Lesser wing Greater wing Pterygoid process Anterior view Posterior view
3、 Temporal Bone Squamous part Tympanic part Petrous part mastoid process 乳突 styloid process 茎突 Mandibular fossa Squamous part Zygomatic arch Petrous part mastoid process Tympanic part styloid process Internal view external view
Maxilla 、zygomatic bone 、 nasal bone 、Lacrimal bone、 (二)facial cranium : (15块) paired: Maxilla 、zygomatic bone 、 nasal bone 、Lacrimal bone、 palatine bone、inferior nasal bone nasal bone zygomatic bone Lacrimal bone maxilla inferior nasal bone palatine bone
mandible、 Vomer 、hyoid bone (二)facial cranium : (15块) unpaired: mandible、 Vomer 、hyoid bone Vomer mandible
1、 Mandible Body of mandible Ramus of mandible Mandibular foramen Coronoid process Head of mandible Condylar process Neck of mandible Mandibular foramen Alveolar arch Ramus of mandible Angle of mandible下颌角 Body of mandible Mental foramen Base of mandible
1、The superior aspect of skull (三) Coronal suture 1、The superior aspect of skull Sagital suture Lambdoid suture
2、The posterior aspect of skull Lambdoid suture External occipital protuberance
3、The internal surface of the bassse of skull Anterior cranial fossa Middle cranial fossa Posterior cranial fossa
Crista galli Cribriform plate Cribriform foramen Superior orbital fissure Optic canal Foramen rotundum Hypophysial fossa Foramen ovale Foramen lacerum Foramen spinosum Dorsum sellae Trigeminal impression
Posterior cranial fossa Clivus Jugular foramen Internal acoustic pore Hypoglssal canal Sulcus for sigmoid sinus Foramen magnum Sulcus for transverse sinum Internal occipital protuberance
4、The external surface of the base of skull Bony plate vomer foramen ovale external opening of carotid canal Foramen spinousum Jugular Foramen Styloid process Occipital condyle Foramen magnum
Foramen lacerum Articular tubercle Mandibular fossa Incisive foramina Greater palatine foramen Foramen lacerum Articular tubercle Mandibular fossa External acostic pore Mastoid process Stylomastoid foramen
External acoustic pore Temporal fossa Infratemporal fossa Pterygopalatine fossa Temporal fossa pterion External acoustic pore Zygomatic arch mastoid process
fossa for Lacrimal gland Supreaorbital notch Optical canal视神经管 (1) Orbit : Base Apex Walls : superior medial inferior lateral Superior orbital fissure Inferior orbital fissure Fossa for lacrimal sac Infraorbital groove Infraorbital canal
bony nasal septum : formed by (2) Bone nasal cavity bony nasal septum : formed by vomer perpendicular plate of ethmoid. perpendicular plate of ethmoid vomer
Bone nasal cavity Roof : cribriform plate Floor :Bony palate Lateral wall : Superior concha Middle concha Inferior concha Superior meatus Middle meatus Inferior meatus Superior meatus Middle meatus Inferior meatus
(3) Paranasal Sinuses : 1)Frontal Sinus 2)Ethmoidal Sinuses 3)Sphennoidal Sinus 4)Maxillary Sinus Sphennoidal Sinus Ethmoidal Sinuses Frontal Sinus Maxillary Sinus
Cranial Fontanelles Anterior fontanelle Posterior fontanelle
Lesser wring Body of sphenoid Greater wing
palatine bone
2、 Hyoid Bone Greater horn 小角 Lesser horn Body of hyoid bone
Perpendicular plate Horizontal plate
The connection of the orbit Optic canal Superior orbital fissure . middle craniual fossa nasolacrimal canal nasal cavity Infreorbitalfissure pterygopalatine fossa infratemporal fossa Infraorbital canal infraorbital foramen face