Dred Scott Decision Ess. Ques. How should the Supreme Court rule in the Dred Scott Case?
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Remember: The Abolitionist Movement was active in Northern and Western states before the Civil War. Abolitionists wanted slaves to be freed. Some abolitionists favored relocating them in Africa. Many, but not all, abolitionists believed African- American slaves should have the same freedoms as their owners. Southern states opposed the abolition of slavery; it was a financial necessity and part of their social structure. The South’s agricultural trade depended on crops produced with slave labor.
Things to Ponder Is ownership ever disallowed? Does your position ever change within your family- son, daughter, etc? Should a court overturn a former decision? Is the new decision lawful or not? Is the formal decision lawful? Does your birth place indicate your classification?
If an area is classified as “free” will all slaves be freed? Is suing in a law case only for citizens?
You decide-Ess. Ques. How should the Supreme Court rule in the Dred Scott Case? Requirements: min 6 sentences Refer to participants using proper nouns Make reference to the true issue Reference belief system/sectionalism of the North, South or both