Cat and mouse Type of the game outdoor game Age of children from 4 to 7 years old Materials No need of any materials Number of players up to 30 children
Bulgaria - game instructions Cat and mouse Bulgaria - game instructions Children have to stay in a circle, holding their hands. The teacher have to choose one child for a “mouse” and one child for a “cat”.”Mouse” is squatting inside the circle, the ”cat” is outside the circle and is trying to enter inside the circle and catch the mouse. The children are singing and circle rotates: “At home there is a mouse, it fret its cheese!”.With these words mouse goes out and in the circle, in the raised hands of children.
Cat and mouse Children sing: “Outside cat throws up the mouse!”With these words the cat seeks to enter the circle and catch the mouse. Children sing again:”Run, run, mouse, the cat will catch you!” The hands of the children descent to the cat and go up just before fleeing mouse.
Cat and mouse Goals of the game Develop quickness, concentration, agility
Cat and mouse Cultural reference In Bulgaria, this game has an obligatory refrain, which the children sing, when they play the game and the circle rotates: “At home there is a mouse, it fret its cheese!” “Outside cat throws up the mouse!” ”Run, run, mouse, the cat will catch you!”