September 3, 2008, 6-7:30 pm BSU Lounge
Agenda NSBE Mission NSBE History Symbols Key Business Areas National Directives Regional Information Alumni Extension History
NSBE Mission “To INCREASE the number of CULTURALLY responsible black engineers who EXCEL academically, SUCCEED professionally, & POSITIVELY impact the community.”
NSBE Objectives The objective of the National Society shall be to stimulate and develop student interest in engineering; to strive to increase the number of students studying engineering at both the undergraduate and graduate levels; and to endeavor in the advancement of the ethnic minority engineer in professional industry.
The Chicago Six National Chairperson History
NSBE History 1971 “Chicago Six” founded Purdue Society of Black Engineers 1974 Society of Black Engineers became national body 1975 First National Conference was held at Purdue University; 1976 NSBE was incorporated as a non-profit organization in Austin, Texas
NSBE History 1975 – First National Conference Attended by 48 students from 32 schools National symbol chosen Drafted first National Constitution Organization divided into 6 regions Adopted name National Society of Black Engineers
The Chicago Six Ed Coleman Anthony Harris Brian Harris Stanley Kirtley (deceased) John Logan (deceased) George Smith
NSBE Chairperson History John Cason - First National Chairperson Virginia Booth - First Female and 2x National Chair Dr. Florence Morehead - First Executive Director Dr. Gary May - Only National Chair with a PhD Robert S. Bright - First Alumni Extension Chairperson
The Torch The Lightning Bolt
The Torch Everlasting burning desire to achieve and develop minority students’ interest and participation in engineering in our present society
The Lightning Bolt The striking impact that will be felt by society and industry as a result of contributions and achievements made by NSBE
Key Business Areas Academic Excellence Technical Excellence Leadership Communications Financial Vitality Cultural and Community Awareness Continued Education and Career Access
National Directives Professional Excellence Professional Excellence Outreach Outreach World-Wide Impact World-Wide Impact Engineering Excellence Engineering Excellence Recruitment & Retention Recruitment & Retention
Regional Breakdown Region 1 Facts
Regional Breakdown Region I… “One Fiyah, More Fiyah!” Northeastern: Maine, Massachusetts, Vermont, Connecticut, New York, Rhode Island, New Jersey, New Hampshire Affinity Regions: West Africa, East Canada Region II… “Two Hype” Southeastern: Delaware, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia Affinity Regions: Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East Region III… “Three Ready” Southern: Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and Florida Affinity Regions: Caribbean and South America
Regional Breakdown Region IV… “Fo Solid, Fo Life, Fo Eva” Great Lakes: Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, and Minnesota Affinity Regions: East Africa, Central Africa, and Central Canada Region V… “Five Deep” Midwest/South Central: North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, and Louisiana Affinity Regions: Eastern Mexico, Central America, and Southern Africa Region VI… “Six House” Pacific/Rocky Mountain: California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Alaska, Hawaii, and Mexico (Baja) Affinity Regions: Asia, Australia, and South Pacific
Region 1 Facts 1977 The FIRST Regional Conference was held by Region One at MIT 1984 The FIRST Regional Leadership Conference was held by Region One at Boston University in Region I Chairperson John Polk initiated the National PCI Program Region I hosted it’s first three day Summer Camping Conference at Adelphi University in Long Island, N.Y.
Alumni Extension History 1984 A proposal reflecting the origins of the current Alumni infrastructure was developed 1985 NSBE approved the formation of an Alumni Task Force NSBE students and Alumni from across the nation created the NSBE-AE Operating Guidelines The Alumni Extension was approved as an operating entity of NSBE
Additional Information Check out NSBE at The National site: The Regional site: NSBE Online: Don’t forget to register!