From ship-tethered to free drifting imaging systems in the ocean; What we have observed in the past and what we shall observe in the future to better understand and model particle flux. Stemmann L., Guidi, L., Boss, E., Claustre, H. ` UPMC Université Paris 06, UMR7093, Laboratoire d’Océanographie de Villefranche, 06230, Villefranche-sur-Mer, France} School of Marine Sciences, 5706 Aubert Hall, University of Maine, Orono, ME SS16: Opportunities in the Study of Ocean Particle
CO2 ? N: Nutriment P: Phytoplancton Z: Zooplancton D: Detritus CO2
Advection, turbulence CO2
Advection, turbulence 4D Observation of individuals and particles Ecosystem Realistic Simplification 4D Observation of individuals and particles Ecosystem Realistic Simplification CO2
Strong development of imaging systems and also their miniaturization for in situ monitoring 1) Laboratory instruments FLOWCAM, ZOOSCAN,... 2) In situ instruments used from ships UVP, VPR, SIPPER, Underwater Digital Holocamera,... 3) In situ instruments on autonomous vehicles SOLOPC Checkley et al., 2008 Benfield et al., 2007
Examples of PSD and vertical flux from ship tethered imaging sensors Short time scales Lampitt et al., 1993, North Atl. and then Graham et al., 2000, Monterey Bay Stemmann et al., 2000, Mediterranean Sea Goldthwait et al., 2006, Monterey Bay... Hypothesis: DVM or diel cycle in upper turbulence Stemmann et al., 2002 UVP3 in the Mediterranean Sea Long time scales
Vertical patterns of particle size spectra at regional scales Gardner and Walsh, 1990, Gulf of Mexico, Stemmann et al., 2008 Mediterranean sea Coast/ocean interactions McCave et al., 2001, North Atlantic
Iversen et al., 2011, Tropical Atlantic Open sea Vertical patterns of particle size spectra at regional scales Guidi et al., 2012, HOT The Octopus eye
Examples of Global biogeography of mesopelagic macrozooplankton from ship tethered imaging sensor (UVP4) 200 profils of the UVP4 (6 years of sampling) m, no size measurments Sarcodines : an important component of macrozooplankton community (<40%). Definition of 9 provinces that fits Longhurst biogeochemical regions Stemmann et al., 2008 (Romagnan et al., session 72) 1500 profiles UVP5 since 2008 (UVP5, see HydroptiC stand for details)
Examples of PSD and vertical flux from ship tethered imaging sensor UVP5 (Guidi et al., session 58) Global Sequestration: 0.37 Gt C year -1 Global b: estimates of b distributed over 34 provinces combined with Sed. trap and Th. fluxes 2868 values of b
Systems based on optics mounted on floats NABE2008, Briggs et al., 2008 Monterey Bay, Petrik et al., 2013
What are the Opportunities in the Study of Ocean Particle Flux ? Global network of observations - ARGO-> BIOARGO+vision - fixed stations + vision - cruises of opportunity Oceanographic data center for QC and large diffusion Particulate Organic Carbon (size spectra) macro and mesoplankton (Taxa size spectra) -Ecosystem monitoring - Data assimilation in models for Carbone fluxes and marine ressources. Pico and microplankton (taxa, size spectra) CTD and geochemical data N P Z D
What could Biogeochemical models represent ? Stemmann and Boss (2012) Qp Q Biomass (x) D P1P1 N B1B1 P2P2 Z2Z2 Z1Z1 D P Z P1P1 P2P2 P3P3
What could Biogeochemical models represent ? Stemmann and Boss (2012) Q Qd Size(x) D size N N B1B1 Z2Z2 Z1Z1 P1P1 P2P2 P3P3 P3P3
150 ARGO floats, February 2013 Temperature (°C) POC Vertical flux (mg C m -2 d -1 ) 150 ARGO floats, February 2023
Do we all agree ? Then we are ready for a network of octopus eyes. UVP VPR ISIS UVP LOKI ZOOVIS SIPPER LOPC Plankton Particle
o AGREED PROCEDURES ( computer assisted recognition, intercalibration) o AGREED DATA MANAGEMENT o AGREED DATA DISTRIBUTION o AGREED MODELING FRAMEWORKS o SUMMER SCHOOLS FOR THE USERS The BIOgeochemical particle/plankton community is getting to a sufficient maturity in using images. These are propositions that we could discuss now building on the biogeochemical community experience THE KEY OF THE SUCCESS for such a network:
BIOSOPE Gabriel Gorsky Pieter Vandromme, JB Romagnan, F. Roullier, Nicolas Mayot, Rizlaine IdAoud, Fabien Lombard ET tous les collègues Marc Picheral Thank you French programs: PROOF, PNEC, PICS EC programs: EUROCEAN (FP6), SESAME(FP6), GROOM (FP7), JERICO (FP7)
Image in situ analysis (Size threshold) all particles (non validated prediction), CTD, optic Particle size spectraCTD Image acquisition ( m) Validation (Aggregates – Zooplankton) Zooplankton size spectra Delayed time How will we treat the imaging data for an operational monitoring program ? Real time International Data Bases Laboratories
REAL TIME, for example: UVP data format for ODV // // T10:01:12 // baseuvp5_malina2009 // 31-Jan-000T // Ocean // Profiles // Particle abundance and volume from the Underwater Vision Profiler. the // Lars.stemmann[at] Laboratoire d'Oceanographie de Villefranche B.P. 28 Villefranche-Sur-Mer France +33 (0) (0) Cruise:METAVAR:TEXT:20;Station:METAVAR:TEXT:20;Rawfilename:METAVAR:TEXT:20;UVPtype:METAVAR:TEXT:6;CTDrosettefile name:METAVAR:TEXT:40;yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:METAVAR:TEXT:40;Latitude [degrees_north]:METAVAR:DOUBLE;Longitude [degrees_east]:METAVAR:DOUBLE;Depth [m]:PRIMARYVAR:DOUBLE;Sampled volume[L];LPM ( mm)[#/L];LPM ( mm)[#/L];LPM ( mm)[#/L];LPM ( mm)[#/L];LPM biovolume ( mm)[ppm];LPM biovolume ( mm)[ppm];LPM biovolume ( mm)[ppm];LPM biovolume ( mm)[ppm];LPM ( mm)[#/L];LPM ( mm)[#/L];LPM ( mm)[#/L];LPM ( mm)[#/L];LPM ( mm)[#/L];LPM ( mm)[#/L];LPM ( mm)[#/L]; ;LPM biovolume ( mm)[ppm];LPM biovolume ( mm)[ppm];LPM biovolume ( mm)[ppm];LPM biovolume ( mm)[ppm];LPM biovolume ( mm)[ppm];LPM biovolume ( mm)[ppm];LPM biovolume ( mm)[ppm];LPM biovolume ( mm)[ppm];Temp;Trans;Fluo;Sal;Dens;svan;N2;sigt;theta;sigthe;FreezT-;O2;pH;NO3;Par;SPar malina2009;malina001;HDR ;uvp5;0902_001; :49:59; ; ;5;79.56; ; ;0; ; ; ;0; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;0.0 MALINA cruise: 154 UVP profils ( m), one PSD every 5 m, with CTD, Rosette, 8Mo CAN BE SEND BY ARGO, IRIDIUM MALINA cruise: 154 UVP profils ( m), one PSD every 5 m, with CTD, Rosette, 8Mo CAN BE SEND BY ARGO, IRIDIUM METADATA: context METADATA: file content DATA DELAYED TIME: adding images 300 Mo ARGOS, IRIDIUM TRANSMISSION ? Wait for a recovery of the instrument ? DELAYED TIME: adding images 300 Mo ARGOS, IRIDIUM TRANSMISSION ? Wait for a recovery of the instrument ?