University of Virginia Molly Hatton 6 th Period January 2010
University of Virginia Informative
University of Virginia The number of alumni for each school Highest Ranked Schools/Programs The Top Ten most populated State Universities Short History Pictures
The Number of Alumni From Each School at UVA
Highest Ranked Schools/Programs in UVA Psychology Department History Department Nursing School Physics Department English Department Law School
Top Ten Most Populated Universities in the U.S. Virginia 79,377 New York 10,364 Maryland 9,835 California 9,733 North Carolina 8,874 Pennsylvania 6,547 Florida 6,472 Georgia 6,030 Texas 4,942 New Jersey 4,734
University of Virginia University Opens1825 D.K.E. Founded st Doctor of Philosophy 1880 Hospital Opens1901 First Women1920 Colgate Darden 3 rd President 1947 Queen Elizabeth II Visits 1976
University of Virginia
University of Virginia tory/ tory/ academic academic