Chapter 7
d4 d4 Mathematics is concerned with finding answers. This is a myth! The mathematician is concerned with exploring relationships among time, space, plane, point and line. Math requires creativity to solve and create problems as we move to greater understanding.
Complex patterns Infinite shapes Fibonacci sequence WF6V9RQFz8&feature=related WF6V9RQFz8&feature=related Symmetry Can you name some more?
Beats Fractions- notes Timing Patterns Memorizations Addition and subtraction
xAbLGM (tutorial to play recorder) xAbLGM (tutorial to play recorder) t_free_printable_sheet_music/intro-to-the- recorder-exercises.htm (listen to demo) t_free_printable_sheet_music/intro-to-the- recorder-exercises.htm t_free_printable_sheet_music/jingle-bells- recorder-solo.htm (jingle bells listen) t_free_printable_sheet_music/jingle-bells- recorder-solo.htm
How did you find math connected to playing the song on the recorder? Tell your neighbor at least three mathematical concepts that this experience will reinforce to your students. Tell your neighbor at least three musical concepts this experience reinforces.
Angles of body Beats and Rhythms Step Patterns