Project Description: Let each of your students become their own reporter and editor by researching and writing their own newspaper! It’s a great way to recap what they have already studied in all of their major subjects including, math, reading, writing, social studies, science and health. Materials needed per student 2 large grocery bags Packing tape Scissors Newspaper templates Place two grocery bags side by side, with the bottom flap faced upward. Use packing tape to tape the bags together front and back. Make sure that the bags do not overlap. You almost want a little gap between the bags. Fold the bag over and cut a small strip (no bigger than ½ cm in width) along the entire bottom side of both bags and long side of the bag (opposite the side you taped). This will open the bags up. Student Newspaper! Step 1, 2 and 3 Tape all along the length of the two bags, front and back.
Have the students work on the templates and tape or glue them onto the paper bags as they are finished. Have students create their own newspaper title and write it on the top of each top page! Page one – Students use this page to write about anything exciting happening in the neighborhood or classroom. Students illustrate a corresponding picture. Page two - This page is for students to reflect on what they know about local government and politics. The other side of the page is for national politics or national issues. Step 4 Front Page Student Newspaper!
Page Three – Students use this page to write about information their favorite science or technology subject! Page Four - Students love to complete this page on their favorite sporting event and movie review. Student Newspaper!
Page Five– Students use this page to write math problems and strategies Page Six - Students write a quick book review and then interview another student about their favorite book. Page Seven - This is a fun page to wrap up the project! Students enjoy writing about their favorite Social Studies concept and create a timeline to match! Student Newspaper!
Breaking News in the Classroom
Local and National Politics LocalNational
Science & Technology
Sports &Entertainment Sports MomentMovie Review
Best Books & Page Turners Best Seller!
Hot or Not!
Puzzles & Math Problems
Social Studies