Warm-up During a five day work week, the stock market dropped sixty-five points. Find the average daily change for each day of the week.
Multiplying and Dividing Integers Do not forget to put this in your table of contents!!
The Steps: Multiply or Divide your two numbers like normal. Count your negative signs. If it is a EVEN number then the answer is going to be POSITIVE. If it is an ODD number then the answer is going to be NEGATIVE.
Just to Double check. If for some reason you are not sure you can check using the triangle: Cover up the two signs in the problem. The one left over is your answer!
Grab your notecard. Do you think these two methods convey the same thing? Are you doing the same method with each one or are they different? Why do you think this?
Turn to your desk buddy. Did you get the same thing? Discuss what EACH of you wrote down.
Let’s Practice! -8*-7 Remember: EVEN # Negatives= Positive ODD # Negatives= Negative
Let’s Practice! -63÷9 Remember: EVEN # Negatives= Positive ODD # Negatives= Negative
Let’s Practice! -4*6 Remember: EVEN # Negatives= Positive ODD # Negatives= Negative
Let’s Practice! -12÷-4 Remember: EVEN # Negatives= Positive ODD # Negatives= Negative
Let’s Practice! Remember: EVEN # Negatives= Positive ODD # Negatives= Negative
Let’s Practice! 7(6) Remember: EVEN # Negatives= Positive ODD # Negatives= Negative
Turn to your desk buddy. We looked at two different ways to write multiplication and division problems. Can you think of any others?
Over the past seven days the average temperature rose five degrees per day. How much did the temperature change?
Mr. Davis decreased his speed thirty miles per hour over ten seconds to be able to stop at the stop sign. What was the rate of his deceleration? What was the rate of “Acceleration”?
Jose went to the store he bought six shirts for twelve dollars each. How much did he spend? Talk to your desk buddy: How did that affect his bank account?
Mrs. Smith deducts seven points for every question you miss on her unit test. If Salazar missed six questions what would his score be?
Grab a sheet of notebook paper. Multiplying and Dividing Integers Name ____ Period 8/31/2015
EXIT TICKET: This goes on the BACK of your notecard. Write a word problem that uses either multiplying or dividing integers.