Review Powerpoint
Who was Austin Dabney?
Answer: A Georgian slave who served during the American Revolution.
When and where was Austin Dabney born?
Answer: Wake County, North Carolina in 1765.
What major battle did Dabney serve in? Who was his commanding officer?
Answer: He served in the Battle of Kettle Creek under Colonel Elijah Clarke.
Who cared for Dabney after he was wounded in the Battle of Kettle creek?
Answer: A white soldier named Giles Harris
Why was Austin Dabney considered a hero?
Answer He was the only black soldier to fight in the Battle of Kettle Creek.
How was Dabney rewarded for his service after the war?
Answer: A plot of land in Madison County, 70 pounds to free him from his owner, and a federal military invalid pension
What was Dabney’s occupation after the war?
Answer: Small farmer, slave owner, race horse owner, and businessman.
What act shows Dabney’s respect for the Harris family?
Answer: He paid for Giles's son, William Harris, to attend Franklin College
How did the Harris family show their appreciation for Dabney?
Answer: He was buried in the Harris family plot in Pike County, and William named his son Austin Dabney Harris in Dabney's honor.
When and where did Dabney die?
Answer: He died in Zebulon in Pike County, Georgia in 1830.
How has Dabney been remembered?
Answer: His name appears on a historical marker in Griffin and the Black Patriots Monument in Washington, and U.S. senator Max Cleland commended him on the Senate floor for his war services.