See your CHART for details Key similarities: Sunday morning Women at the tomb (which is empty) Messengers reveal resurrection Women are sent to share the message NO eyewitnesses to the Resurrection itself
1. Disciples on the Road to Emmaus Luke 24:13-35 2. Mary Magdalene John 20:1-18 3. Doubting Thomas John 20:19-29 4. “Breakfast on the Beach” John 21:1-19 Read and summarize each one of these accounts in your notes. I will check them in class on Tuesday.
Personal encounter with Jesus brings faith 1. Disciples on the Road to Emmaus (LUKE 24:13-35) Gather, Study Scripture, Share Meal, Sent to proclaim “The first Mass” 2. Mary Magdalene (John 20:1-18) FIRST witness of the Resurrection faith & love are the keys to discipleship (not rank, gender...) “Apostle to the Apostles”
3. Doubting Thomas (John 20:19-29) Describes the importance of FAITH--- believing without seeing 4. “Breakfast on the Beach” (John 21:1-19) Symbolic of the disciples’ role as “fishers of people” Symbolic of Eucharist John’s accounts emphasize Jesus commissioning the disciples to continue his work
A. Common Elements 1. The people Jesus appeared to are distressed. 2. Jesus reveals himself and reassures them. “don’t be afraid” or “peace be with you” 3. Jesus instructs them to share their knowledge of his resurrection with others. 4. Only people of faith experience the Risen Christ. The resurrection is ultimately a matter of faith.
B. Risen Jesus: The Same but Different SAME Wounds of crucifixion Knows the disciples Disciples are convinced that it’s him DIFFERENT Appearance (not recognized immediately) Can appear/disappear & go through locked doors The Resurrection is not a continuation of earthly life; it is a completely new way of living.
Which character in the Resurrection Appearance stories do you relate to most & why? Has there been a “resurrection” experience in your own life…a time when “new life” came out of “death”? In other words, how does good come out of bad in our own lives & in the world?
The Resurrection is the essential fact of salvation history, the heart of the Good News Confirms that Jesus is God’s Son Fulfills Jesus’ preaching Accomplishes our salvation Gives us new life Now – joy, freedom from anxiety, Jesus lives in us Later – eternal life Death does not have the last word!
A. To understand this title, we must keep in mind the worldview of 1 st century Jews In your notes DRAW the world as they would have imagined it. Include: earth, humans, waters under the earth, waters above the earth, sky, stars, floodgates, heavens, God Given this worldview, 1 st century Jews believed that God and heaven were “UP there.” ASCEND = to move upward
B. Scripture Accounts of the Ascension Read each of the following accounts and answer the corresponding questions in your notes: 1. Mark 16:19 Where does Jesus go? 2. Luke 24:50-53 From where does Jesus depart? What is the response of those who are present? Emotions? Actions? 3. Acts 1:6-11 What does Jesus promise and why? Who shows up and what is their message? 4. 1 Peter 3:22 What is Jesus doing?
C. The Meaning of Jesus’ Ascension 1. Jesus moved beyond our experience of space and time Heaven isn’t a “place” the way we think of places 2. Jesus passed totally into the presence of God JESUSISNOWHERE 3. Jesus is even more present to us now Because he is not limited by space and time, Jesus is always present with us.
A. Jewish Holy Day 50 days after Passover (Exodus) Celebrates the giving of the Law to Moses B. Jesus’ Promise Fulfilled 10 days after Jesus’ Ascension, his disciples were gathered to celebrate Pentecost. The promise Jesus made at the time of his Ascension (Acts 1:6-11) is fulfilled when he sends the Holy Spirit to the disciples at this gathering.
C. Scripture Account: Acts 2:1-13 1. Who was present? (look back at 1:13-14) 2. Describe the presence of the Holy Spirit (sight & sound) 3. Describe the effect of the Holy Spirit
D. The Significance of Pentecost 1. TRANSFORMATION Disheartened people + Spirit of the risen Jesus = transformation Frightened disciples become courageous witnesses A shattered group of followers becomes a community of faith
D. The Significance of Pentecost (continued) 2. BIRTH OF SOMETHING NEW Disciples began a new way of living in communion with one another Disciples went out to share the Good News (missionary campaign) Pentecost = “Birthday of the Church” Ideal Church: Christian fellowship (Koinonia) Praying for one another Celebrating the Eucharist Rooted in Gospel/Apostolic truth
D. The Significance of Pentecost (continued) 3. GIFT OF THE SPIRIT We receive the gift of the Spirit at Baptism The gift of the Spirit is renewed in us at Confirmation Because we have received the Spirit, we are called to share in the mission of the first disciples
See the Worksheet for an outline and key points Use your worksheets to answer the following questions in your small group: Describe the role of each of the following individuals: Stephen, Philip, Matthias, Timothy Give 2 specific examples of how the disciples continued Jesus’ ministry Describe the controversy & conclusion about Gentiles in the community