Rajasthan National Conference on Agriculture Rabi Campaign Sep. 2010
Jaisalmer Barmer Jodhpur Bikaner Sri Ganga Nagar Hanuman garh Churu Jhunjhunu Sikar Nagaur Jaipur Tonk Ajmer Bhilwara Raj Samand Raj Samand Udaipur Chittor Garh Chittor Garh Bundi Kota Baran Jhalawar Sawai Madhopur Sawai Madhopur Dausa Karauli Dholpur Bharatpur Alwar Pali Jalore Sirohi Dungarpur Banswara Pratap Garh Pratap Garh Rajasthan Rainfall As on 13 th Sept. Rainfall in % 60 % or more Abnormal : 6 Distt. 20 to 59 % Excess : 10 Distt to 19 % Normal : 14 Distt to –59 % Deficit : 3 Distt.
Kharif 2010Kharif 2009 Average Normal Rainfall up to 13th Sept mm Acutal Rainfall received up to 13th Sept mm mm Deviation from normal11.57%-27% Rainfall position During Kh vis-à-vis Kh.2009 CategoryNo of Districts More than 60%60 Excess (20 to 59%)100 Normal ( 19 to -19%)148 Deficit ( -20 to -59%)3 (9%)26 (78%) Total33 Category of Districts on rainfall position Major sowing done from 20th to 31th July Good weather conditions prevails and disease and pest at few location only. Very good plant growth and higher crop yield envisaged.
Area and Yield under Kharif Crops Area in lac ha, Yield in Kg / ha Kharif assessment 2010 Crops Five years avg to achievement2010 Target Ist estimates of BOR AreaYieldAreaYieldAreaYieldAreaYield Cereals Pulses Oilseeds Cotton Guar-Seed Total including others
Production under Kharif Crops Production in lac Mt/ lac bales 5 Yrs Avg Ach 2010 Target Likely Ach. As per Ist estimates of BOR % increase over five years average Cereals % Pulses % Oilseeds % Cotton % Guar-seed % Kharif assessment 2010
Area in lac ha, Yield in Kg / ha Rabi Prospects Area and Yield CropsFive years average Achievement Target AreaYieldAreaYieldAreaYield Wheat Barley Gram Mustard Total including others
Position of 695 Major, Medium and Minor Dams Water Condition Dams having no Water Marginally filled Dams Full Dams3492 Total Water availability (MCUM) Water being received from outside the State Major Dams Capacity (MCUM) % Water Availability Full capacity Capacity as on Bhakra Dam Pong Dam Canal will be having more water in INGP, Bhakhra and gang canal system this year along with greater availability of water in Dams ( MCUM). This will help in higher area under Rabi crops and will also increase production & productivity. The extended Monsoon in Sept. month beyond 15 th Sept. will increase area under mustard & gram Availability of Water in Dams and water received from out side the State
Wheat Barley Gram Mustard Rabi Prospects Production : in Lac MT 5 yrs Average Ach Target Highest Ach
National Food Security Mission Particulars Components (Rs. In lacs) NFSM-WheatNFSM-Pulses NFSM Media & Publicity Total Approved Technical Programme (approval awaited) Unspent Balance ( ) Revalidation ---- GOI Release ( ) Total Funds Expenditure up to booked amt (65%)
National Food Security Mission Progress Components Allot.Exp.Allot.Exp. NFSM-Wheat NFSM-Pulses NFSM – M & P Total
National Food Security Mission: Comparison of yield (Rabi) with Non – NFSM districts WheatPulses (Gram) NFSM districts ( 6.66% increase ) Non – NFSM districts State Av.Yield in Kg / ha. Year was a drought year resulted reduction in productivity of pulses crops. As major area of pulses comes under rain fed conditions.
Accelerated Pulses Production Programme (A3P) under NFSM during kharif 2010 Distt.- Jaipur, Ajmer, Jodhpur, Nagour, Churu, Tonk Area covered (Target 25000) Ha. Seed distributed (Moong/Urd) 22000/3000 kits Gypsum distributed 7316 MT. Bio-fertilizer distributed 0.76 lac Micro-nutrient (ZnSO4) distributed 484 MT Fertilizer (DAP) distributed 1551 MT. Trichoderma powder distributed 1200 Kg. PP Chemicals distributed Lit. Lures distributed Nos. NPV (250LE) distributed Bottles Pheromone Traps Nos. Financial Allocation crore Expenditure Incurred 7.63 crore
Accelerated Pulses Production Programme (A3P) under NFSM approved for Rabi Funds indicated lacs The instruction have been issued and the programme would be under taken in districts of Bikaner, Churu, Hanumangarh, Jaipur, Nagour, Jhunjhunu. The components under the programme would be same as those in kharif 2010 i.e. improved seed, micro-nutrient, Seed treatment with trichoderma fertilizer, Bio-fertilizer, Zypsum etc. Under the programme 16 kg minikit of gram would be distributed. 35,000 kits to be distributed in above 6 districts. The programme will be implemented ha area. Rs ha to be provided for inputs for INM/IPM.
Achievement under MIS since inception YearDripSprinklerDrip DemoTotal Target Ach. Upto Aug Area in Ha. Special interventions of State for accelerated growth 20% Additional Subsidy for Drip irrigation Drip System made compulsory for NHM/RKVY orchards and WHS MI compulsory for new electricity connections & additional assistance up to 20% to motivate farmers Interventions needed from GOI Area (5 ha) ceiling to be exempted for maximum coverage
Rastriya Krishi Vikas Yojana : progress YearFunds receivedExpenditureUnspent BalanceUC sent to GOI Nil = = Amount Rs. in crores Programme taken under RKVY during Golden rays programme for increasing productivity of Maize in tribal areas qts hybrid seed in 5 kg minikit provided to 7.50 lac tribal cultivators. 2.Massive programme of Seed replacement rate of Pearl Millet in 8 western districts (Bikaner, Barmer, Churu, Jalor, Jhunjhunu, Jodhpur, Nagour and Sikar) covring lac S & M farmers with outlay of Rs lacs. 3.Construction of 5000 deggies in canal command area and construction of 2000 farm ponds & 1000 water storage tanks for efficient use of water. 4.Development of Dairy sector. 5.Date palm & pomegranate plantation programme at large scale on farmers fields. 6.Involvement of private seeds companies on PPP mode to improve SSR of different crops. 7.Involvement of NGO’s in Agriculture & allied sectors for transfer of new technologies.
RKVY in : Status Total Provision for Rajasthan State - Rs Crore Funds Released by GOI (a) Rs Crore Stream-II (b) Rs Crore Stream-I Total Rs Crore Expenditure Incurred upto August Rs Crore. Rs crore received under sub scheme for pulses, oilseed production in rainfed area.
Status of Funds Released and utilized under RKVY (07-08 to 09-10) 1 Funds received in = crore, 2 funds received in 08-09= crore 3 funds received in 09-10= crore 4 Total funds received since inception = RS crore S. No. Name Of Deptt. Funds Tranferred in Exp. Incurred in Funds Transferred in incl. unspent balance Exp. incurred in Total Funds transferred upto March, 2010 Total Exp. incurred upto March Agriculture including RSSC Horticulture Fisheries RCDF RAU, Bikaner MPUAT, Udaipur Animal Husbandry Cooperative College Education Water Resource Forest RSAMB NGO/PPP Total
Strengthening Extension Machinery at State Level Krishi Gyan Avam Aadan Shivir –P re Kharif Panchayat level campaign organized to reach out to farmers with focus on enhancing productivity. Rabi Abhiyan- is in progress (15 th Sep to 15 th Oct)- Efficient use of available water and productivity enhancement are the focus areas “KHETIBARI”, a weekly TV program of Department-good quality and highly popular “Kheti Ri Batan” a live daily Radio program with farmer-friendly format-phone-in, success stories, farmers interviews etc. Inter-state exposure visits of farmers farmers to be benefited during Beneficiary trainings ( Software ) included in implementation of components ( hardware ) viz. seed production, agri. implements, sprinkler, drip, pipe line etc. Kisan Call Centre running successfully; very popular calls in and calls in up to 31 th July, 10 Regular training programmes of extension functionaries, on processing & PHM, diploma in value added products from fruits & vegetables, “Post Graduate Diploma in Agriculture Extension Management” and other capacity building training at State level and out of State institution. Community Radio Station, Gram set based training. Mobile Group Messaging - 3 lac farmers ICT based Kisan Call Centre.
Strengthening Extension Machinery at State Level ATMA-implementation in all 33 districts: PPP based implementation of extension programme- farm schools will be organized with the collaboration of ITC Broad based capacity building of field functionaries. FIG / CIG based programmes formulated.- so far 4388 groups formed and provided support for different activities Award to 474 progressive farmers at block, district and state level. National /Multinational companies like Pepsico, Monsanto, Chambal Fertilizers, Lupin, NM Sadguru foundation and reputed NGOs are also being involved in various Extension activities. MOU with Reuters under consideration this year for sending advisories to farmers on mobile phones.
Seed: Enhanced Production & Distribution Increased Certified Seed Distribution – Rabi Year (tgt) lac Qtls Increased Certified Seed Distribution – Total (kharif + rabi) Year (tgt) lac Qtls New Seed Scheme – Involvement of Private Sector in Seed Production and distribution Monsento, Krishi dhan, PHI (Pioneer), Syngenta and Kanchan jyoti agro Minikit distribution scheme refined as seed production scheme for self-use Quality control measures enforced strictly
Seed Arrangements : Rabi in lac Qtls. 5 years Average to distribution Targets distribution Wheat Barley Gram Mustard Total
Seed Replacement Rate in kharif & rabi crops (SRR%) Crop (Proposed) Bajara Maize Moong Soyabeen Castor Cotton Wheat Barley Gram Mustard
Fertilizer Arrangements : Rabi 5 yrs avgerage to Requirement DAP UREA SSP Others Total Interventions needed from MOA, GOI Timely supply of DAP, NPK, other complex fertilizers and urea according to allotment Increase in rack points for uniform supply of fertilizers Adequate and timely availability of rail wagons for transportation of fertilizers MOA, GOI may compel Chambal fertilizers to maintained MT. urea’s buffer stock Consumption : in lac M.T.
Massive increase in distribution of soil health cards lac in , 2.85 lac in & 1.30 lac soil health cards distributed during (till 31 st Aug. 2010) Micro nutrient testing facility available in 32 labs lac samples in , 0.52 lac -samples in and 0.30 lac samples analyzed in so far. Special software being used to generate Computerized soil health cards – recommendations in terms of fertilizer materials for 4-8 important crops. Block-wise fertility maps prepared and distributed at GP, PS, AS, AAO and district level and also to major fertilizer dealers of the State Fertility maps on GIS – Maps of all districts displayed on GIS. Large scale use of Gypsum in rabi Oilseeds and Pulses as source of nutrient – efforts initiated for timely supply of gypsum, besides, uniform price of gypsum across the state Gypsum distributed in lac MT. and 0.65 lac MT. during upto 31 th Aug mobile soil testing labs has start working on PPP mode in the State Soil Health Enhancement through INM
Project Golden Rays – Department of Agriculture & Monsanto India Ltd. have a joint extension support programme in tribal areas. Monsanto provided pre-sowing, post harvest and package of practices to the farmers. Cost of hybrid maize seed provided by the Department of Agriculture to Monsanto India Ltd. Organizing farmers fairs by confederation of Indian Industries- The Department of Agriculture and CII organized grand State level exhibition and fair at Jodhpur in year and at Sriganganagar on 7 th -8 th Sept to disseminate latest technologies for Agriculture and allied sectors. Incentives to girl students for education agriculture discipline- DOA providing annual stipend of Rs. 3000, 5000 and to girl students for 10+2, Graduation, PG and Doctorate in Agriculture respectively. Best Practices Adopted By The Department of Agriculture, Rajasthan
Convergence of Agri. services at the door step of farmers Disseminate appropriate technology & practices for Kharif crops Arranged availability of inputs for Kharif through Beej Raths 9173 camps organized all over State at GP HQ level Encouraging people’s participation lac farmers Best Practices Kharif Campaign th June to 15 th July 2010 Major Achievements: Soil samples collected lac Soil Health Cards distributed lac Seed minikits distributed lac Applications prepared lac Farmer Friendly literature lac Kishan Credit Card – lac Bio-fertilizer pkt dist. – 1.56 lac Zypsum dist. – 0.15 lac M.T. Certified seed dist. – 0.14 lac Qts.
Best Practices Rabi Abhiyan 2010 Camps at the level of Gram Panchayats – 9189 Gram Panchayats covering 41,375 villages Preparation of Kisan Credit Cards on campaign mode involving cooperatives & banks for access of credit and also insurance benefit to the farmers who have been badly hit by drought- in Chittor district 1.20 lac soil health card prepared this year on campaign mode. Free distribution of 2.94 lac minikits to of different crops. Applications being prepared for individual beneficiary activities. Participation of NGOs and private sector companies for seed production in districts for popularizing good practices – Lupin, Monsanto, Gayatri Sansthan, Sir Sayed Trust, Access etc. Emphasis on water saving devices such as sprinkler, drips, pipelines and promotion of diggies, farm ponds, water harvesting structures etc. Weather Insurance Scheme - Weather Insurance Scheme was implemented in 7 districts for loanee farmers covering 10 crops in Kharif Now the scheme is implemented through out the State. 15 th Sep. to 15th Oct. 2010
Efforts for Soil moisture conservation specially in rain fed areas for higher production Kharif Season : Advisory Practices for Farmers Soil moisture conservation practices. Weed Management Life saving irrigation Plant Protection Measures Rabi Season : Rabi Campaign – Sept. 15 – Oct Conservation of Soil Moisture Distribution of minikits of mustard, gram. Bio-fertilizer and organic manure. Seed treatment, IPM and INM
Efforts to achieve higher productivity in Rabi Gypsum as nutrient in pulses and oilseed crops & INM Print & Electronic Media Special campaign on project mode for increasing SRR of pulses and rabi maize. Under NFSM scheme- farm implements, post harvest management, certified seed, zypsum, micro- nutrient distribution A3P for higher production in kharif & rabi pulses Distribution of improve seed of pulses, fertilizers, implements, under programme oil seed & pulses villages in rain fed area Construction of water storage tank( 2000), Diggies (5000) and farm ponds (1500) under RKVY. Timely availability of inputs (Fertilizer, Seed, insecticides etc.) being ensured – advance stocking of 3 lac MT of DAP and urea. Weather insurance scheme extended through out the state.
Agriculture Insurance in Rajasthan National Agriculture Insurance Scheme No. of districts notified26 (Except Kota, Baran, Bundi, Jhalawar, Dausa, Sawai Madhopur & Karauli) No. of crops notified11 (Bajra, Jowar, Maize, Urd, Chaula, Moong, Moth, G.Nut, Soyabean, Sessamum & Guar) No. of farmers insured25.90 lac Area insured45.52 lac ha. No. of farmers benefitted21.03 lac Total claim paid crore Share in claim AIC79.50 crore GOI share crore GOR share crore TOTAL crore Kharif 2009
No. of districts notified16 (Ajmer, Banswara, Barmer, Bhilwara, Chittorgarh, Churu, Dholpur, Dongarpur, Pali, Pratapgarh, Rajsamand, Sikar, Sirohi, Tonk, Udaipur & Jaislamer) No. of crops notified09 (Wheat, Gram, Barley, Mustard, Taramira, Coriander, Methi, Cumin & Isabgol) No. of farmers insured4.21 lac Area insured8.19 lac ha. Sum insured crore Premium paid by farmers24.60 crore No. of farmers to be benefitted0.81 lac Total claim payable50.19 crore Share in claim AIC11.61 crore GOI share19.29 crore GOR share19.29 crore TOTAL50.19 crore RABI
Kharif 2010 Entire State Covered Under WBCIS No. of farmers insured34.58 lac Area insured55.65 lac ha. Sum insured crore Farmers share in premium90.73 crore State share for premium subsidy crore GOI share for premium subsidy crore Ever highest coverage under insurance by farmers and area coverage since inception of the scheme in Rajasthan.
Propositioning of DAP and urea for rabi as per DOF instructions. Second release may be expedited for ISOPOM. NFSM- Inclusion of …. - coarse cereals for more comprehensive food security - more districts in NFSM (Wheat-9 districts, Rabi Pulses-11, Rice- 4, Kharif Pulses-5) Issues for Consideration
Kharif assessment 2010 Area, Production & Yield under Kharif Crops Area in 000 ha, Production in 000 M.T. Yield in Kg. / ha Crops Five years Average 04 to 08 Actual 2009Target 2010Likely Ach. As per I est. BOR % Prod. over Five Years average AreaProd.YieldAreaProd.YieldAreaProd.Yield cereals Rice Jowar Bajra maize S. millets Total Cereals Pulses moong moth Urad Cowpea Arhar Other Kh. Pulses Total Pulses Total Food Grain Oilseed G. Nut Sesamum Soyabeen Caster Total Oilseed Commercial Crops S.Cane Cotton guar Others G.Total
Name of Crop Average to Revenue Estimates Proposed for AreaProdYieldAreaProdYieldAreaProdYield 1Wheat Barley Total Cereals Gram Other Rabi Pulses Total Pulses Total Food Grains Rape & Mustard Tarameera Linseed00#DIV/0! Total Oil Seeds Others Grand Total Rabi assessment 2010 Area, Production & Yield under Kharif Crops Area in 000 ha, Production in 000 M.T. Yield in Kg. / ha